Friday, 17 August 2012

How To Use Shutdown Switches:

List Of Shutdown Command Switches

No SwitchesDisplay information about the shutdown command, same as typing “-?”
-iDisplay a GUI. It must be the first switch
-lLog off the user (This cannot be used on a remote machine: “-m” switch)
-sShutdown the computer
-rRestart the computer
-aCancels a system shutdown already in progress
-fForces running applications to close without warning
-m \\computernameInstruct a remote computer to shutdown (can be used with the restart & abort switches)
-t xxSet a given time for shutdown, in seconds
-c “comment”Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)
-d [u] [p]:xx:yyThe reason code for the shutdown:
u is the user code
p is a planned shutdown code
xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)
yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


for Select, Copy & Paste
  • Ctrl-A selects all items in a document or window
  • Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert copies the selected item(s) to the Clipboard while leaving them in place
  • Ctrl-X cuts the selected items and copies them to the Clipboard
  • Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the current document at the cursor's current location
for Cursor Positioning
  • Ctrl-right-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word in a document
  • Ctrl-left-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a document
  • Ctrl-down-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
  • Ctrl-up-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
for Selecting Items
  • Ctrl-shift with an arrow key selects a block of text one word at a time
  • Shift with an arrow key lets you select individual items at random
  • Delete key or Ctrl-D deletes the selected item(s) to the Recycle Bin
  • Shift-Delete deletes the selected item(s) without moving them to the Recycle Bin
Shortcuts for Undo and Redo
  • Ctrl-Z undoes the last action
  • Ctrl-Y redoes the last undone action
for Function Keys
  • F1 displays context-sensitive Help files and opens the Search Help dialogue box.
  • F2 renames the current item
  • F3 opens the Search dialogue to find a file or folder
Other Useful Shortcuts
  • Alt-Tab cycles through the open applications
  • Alt-Enter displays the Properties of a selected item
  • Alt-F4 closes the current application or window
  • Alt-Spacebar opens the shortcut menu for the active window, i. e., Restore, Minimize, Close...
  • Ctrl-Alt-Del opens the Windows Task Manager

Windows Logo Key Shortcuts

Few users know the function of the Windows Logo key (also called the Start button), which bears the four-part Windows logo. It actually activates a whole new set of keyboard shortcuts:
  • Windows Logo key opens the Start menu
  • Windows Logo key + Pause key displays the System Properties dialogue box
  • Windows Logo key + D displays the desktop
  • Windows Logo key + M minimizes all open windows
  • Windows Logo key + Shift + M restores all minimized windows
  • Windows Logo key + E opens Computer (My Computer in Windows XP)
  • Windows Logo key + F opens the Search for File or Folder dialogue
  • Windows Logo key + L locks your computer or lets you switch users
  • Windows Logo key + R opens the Run dialogue box
  • Ctrl + Windows Logo key + F searches for computers on a network

Sunday, 12 August 2012


AIR and SAL postal parcel for foreign countries rates w.e.f 01.09.2012 will be revised.

Please click the below link for original order--

Revised structure of admissibility of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance, Travelling Entitlement

No. 5/27/98.1FR
Dated : Chandigarh, the 20th June, 2012.
Subject:- Revised structure of admissibility of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance, Travelling Entitlement, etc.
   I am directed to invite your attention to the instructions issued vide FD's Office Memorandum No. 5/27/98-1FR dated 31.12.2010 on the subject noted above and to state that the matter regarding clarifications/relaxation in respect of journey by Air and Volvo Bus has been engaging the attention of the Finance Department. After due consideration decision has been taken to change the existing provision(s) in this regard as under:
A . Entitlement of Journey by Air while on tour within or out of India & By Bus :- 
Journey by Air
Journey by Bus
Gr. I
(HAG and above or
Gr. Pay 10,000)
(i) The Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana and other officers drawing pay in the grade of Chief Secretary are entitled to travel by air in Business Class within India and 1st Class out of India.
(ii) Officers in the HAG of Rs.67000-79000 are entitled to travel by air in Business Class within India/out of India.
(iii) Officers in the Grade pay of Rs.10,000 are entitled to travel by air in Economy class within India and Premium Economy class out of India.
(i) AC Bus
(ii) Volvo Bus of Haryana Roadways.
Gr. II
(Gr. Pay 8900-9800)
Economy Class within or out of India.i) AC Bus
(ii) Volvo Bus of Haryana Roadways
(Gr. Pay 4600-8800)
(i) Officers in the Grade pay of Rs.8700/- may travel by air in Economy Class both in domestic and international travel.
(ii) Officers in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600 to 8600 may travel by air in Economy Class where the journey is of more than 500 kms. which cannot be performed by overnight by train and provided prior approval of the concerned Administrative Secretary is invariably obtained. In no circumstances ex-post facto approval of the Administrative Secy. will be entertained.
(iii) HOD/Special Secretary/Joint Secretary has no need to obtain prior approval of Administrative Secretary to journey by air and condition of journey beyond 500 kms. is also not applicable to him.
(Gr. Pay 2500-4200)
Economy Class (Out of India only)Ordinary Bus/Deluxe Bus .
(Gr. Pay 1300-2400)
Economy Class (Out of India only)Ordinary Bus
   The instructions issued by the Chief Secretary/Finance Department regarding economy in expenditure of TA/DA should also be kept in view by all the officers/officials.
   These may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary Finance,
for Principal Secretary to Government,
Haryana, Finance Department.

Friday, 10 August 2012


1. Whether Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) for 3rd child is permissible if CEA has not been claimed for 1st and or 2nd child. As per OM dated 2.9.2008 CEA is admissible for two school going children. Does it mean any two school going children?

Answer: As per OM No. 12011/03/2008- Estt.(AL) dated 11 .11.2008, Children Education Allowance would be admissible for more than two children in case the number of children exceeds two as a result of the second child birth resulting in twins or multiple birth. This implies that the CEA will be admissible only in the cases of two eldest surviving children and CEA for third or subsequent child will only be permissible if there is a case of multiple birth at the time of second child birth. Further, reimbursement of CEA for the 3rd child is admissible in case of failure of sterilization operation.

2. What are the fee that are reimbursable? Whether Development Fees, Annual Charges, Transportation fees are reimbursable? Reimbursement towards purchase of school bag, water bottle, uniform, shoes and stationary is admissible?

Answer: As per OM No.12011/03/2008-Estt (AL) dated 2.9.2008, tuition fee, admission fee, laboratory fee, special fee charged for agriculture, electronics, music or any other subject, fee charged for practical work, fee paid for the use of any aid or appliances by the child, library fee, games/sports fee and fee for extra-curricular activities are reimbursable subject to the condition that the aforementioned fee are charged by the school directly from the student. Besides, reimbursement for purchase of one set of text books and notebooks, two sets of uniforms prescribed by the school in which the child is studying, one pair of shoes, in an academic year are reimbursable. Uniform include all items of clothing prescribed for a day, as uniform by the school, irrespective of colours/winter/summer/PT uniforms.

3. Whether CEA has been increased by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowances beyond 50%?

Answer: This Department’s OM No. 12011/03/2008-Esn.(AL) dated 2.9.2008 clearly indicates that the limits “would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%. There is no need for any separate order from this Department to effect enhancement of CEA as a result of increase in DA by 50%. However, O.M. NO. 12011/01/2011-Estt.(Allowance) dated 4th May, 2011, has been issued to clarify this further.

4. Whether CEA can be claimed for the child for the same class twice?

Answer: The reimbursement of CEA is not linked to the performance of the child in his class. Even if a child fails in a particular class, the reimbursement is permissible. However, if the child is admitted in the same class in another school, although the child has passed out of the same class in previous school or in the mid-session, CEA shall not be reimbursable.

5. Whether Hostel subsidy is reimbursable irrespective of transfer liability?

Answer: Hostel Subsidy is reimbursable to all Central Govt, employees for keeping their ward in the Hostel of a residential school away from the station in which the employee is posted or residing irrespective of any transfer liability

6. Whether the admissible amount on account of CEA can be reimbursed in full to a Govt. servant in the first quarter of the financial /academic year itself ?

Answer: A Govt. servant is allowed to get 50% of the total amount subject to the overall annual ceiling in the first quarter and the remaining amount in third and or fourth quarter. Front-loading of the entire amount in the first and second quarters is not allowed.

7. Whether any age limit has been prescribed for reimbursement of CEA in respect of children studying in nursery classes?

Answer: There is no minimum age prescribed for reimbursement of CEA in respect ol children admitted in nursery classes. However, with regard to physically challenged children the minimum age of 5 (five) years has been prescribed. The maximum age for normal child is 20 years and for physically challenged children the maximum age is 22 years.

8. Whether the school/Institution should be recognized?

Answer: The school/Institution has to be recognized by the Central or State Government or U’T administration or by University or a recognized educational authority having jurisdiction over the area where the institution is situated.

9. Whether CEA is payable for the children of Central Government employees and studying abroad, including children of citizens of Nepal/Bhutan but working in Government of India, and the children are studying in the schools in their native place, i.e., Nepal/Bhutan?

Answer: The CEA is payable for the children of all Central Government employees including citizens of Nepal and Bhutan, who are employees of Government of India, and whose children are studying abroad. However, a certificate may be obtained from the Indian Mission abroad that the school is recognized by the educational authority having jurisdiction over the area where the institution is situated.

10. Whether CEA is admissible to Government Servant who ceases to be in Service due to retirement, discharge, dismissal or removal from service in the course of academic year?

Answer: CEA/hostel subsidy shall be admissible till the end of the academic year in which the Government Servant ceases to be in service due to retirement, discharge, dismissal or removal from service in the course of an academic year. The payment shall be made by the office in which the Government Servant worked prior to these events and will be regulated by the other conditions laid down under CEA Scheme.

11. Whether Children of a Government Servant who dies while in service are still eligible for reimbursement under new CEA Scheme?

Answer: If a Government servant dies while in service the children education allowance or hostel subsidy shall be admissible in respect of his/her children subject to observance of other conditions for its grant provided the wife/husband of the deceased is not employed in service of the Central Government, State Government, Autonomous body, PSU, Semi government organization such Municipality, Port Trust authority or any other organization partly or fully funded by the Central government/State governments. In such cases the CEA/Hostel Subsidy shall be payable to the Children till such time the employee would have actually received the same, subject to the condition that other terms and conditions are fulfilled. The payment shall be made by the office in which the Government Servant was working prior to his death and will be regulated by the other conditions laid down under CEA Scheme.

12. Whether upper age limit of children has been prescribed for claiming CEA?

Answer: The upper age limit for disabled children has been set at the age of 22 years. In the case of other children the age limit will be 20 years or till the time of passing 12th class which ever is earlier. Cases where reimbursement have been already made in respect of children above this age may not be reopened.

13. Whether CEA can be allowed in case of Children studying through Correspondence or distance learning?

Answer: It has also been decided that CEA may henceforth be allowed in case of children studying through “Correspondence or Distance Learning” subject to other condition prescribed.

14. What is definition of the terms “two sets of uniform”?

Answer: “Two sets of Uniform” would mean two sets of uniform prescribed by the School in which the child is studying. As set of uniform will include all items of clothing prescribed for a day, as uniform by the School. Reimbursement may be allowed for two sets of such uniform irrespective of the colors/winter/summer/PT uniform.

15. What is definition of “One set of Shoes”?

Answer: “One set of shoes” would mean one pair of shoes.

16. What is definition of station for the purpose of hostel subsidy?

Answer: It is clarified that for the purpose of hostel subsidy, station would be demarcated by the first three digits of pin code of the area where the Government Servant is posted and/or residing. The first three digits of the PIN code indicate a Revenue District.

17. Whether fee paid to organisations/Institutions other than the school or fees paid to private tutors is reimbursable?

Answer: No. It is clarified that the term ‘fee’ contained in the para 1(e) of the OM dated 2.9.2008 would mean the fee charged by the School directly from the student.


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Thursday, 9 August 2012


Whether Children Education Allowance can be allowed if the employee lost the original School fee receipt ?

Till now, the CEA granting authorities were straightaway denying the CEA on the ground of non-production of original school receipts.

The DOPT has now clarified on this issue that in case of misplacement of School fee receipts, reimbursement may be allowed if the Government servant produces a duplicate receipt, duly authenticated by the school authorities.

This Clarification has been issued by DOPT in its Office Memorandum No.12011/07(i)/2011-Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012, along with other clarifications on the basis of doubts raised by Central Government Employees and various Ministries and Department

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


As per the Current Consumer Prices General Indexes stood in June 2012 by 208

Details of the General Indexs for all months are as under

Jan 2012-198
Feb 2012-199
Mar 2012-201

Hence the revised rate of  DA w.e.f 01.07.2012 will be 72 % and increased by 7 % for all Central Govt employees.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Bonus Rates for PLI Changed with effect from year ending 31-03-2009


WLA- 90 per 1000 sum assured

EA- 65 per 1000 sum assured

AEA- 60 per 1000 sum assured

Friday, 3 August 2012

Incentive Structure For Procurement of RPLI Business w.e.f.01.10.2009

usiness w.e.f.01.10.2009
RPLI business (Direct Agents (RPLI), FOs/GDS & other RPLI Sales Force)

(a) 10% of First Year premium towards the RPLI policies procured by them w.e.f.01.10.2009
(b) 10% of total incentive paid to GDS to SDI/ASP- in First Year only.
(c) 2.5% of renewal premium income collected by them in respect of those policies procured on or after 01.10.2009

Additional Commission of 1.5% of premium shall be paid to the Group Leaders/ Entrustees for collecting premium towards 1000 or more such RPLI policies procured on or after 01.10.2009

Source :Directorate of PLI(26-02/2009-LI Dated: 18.09.2009

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Desktop PC:
A computer that is flat and usually sits on a desk. The original design for a home computer.
Tower PC:
A computer that is upright--it looks like someone took a desktop PC and turned it on its side. Incatalogs, the word desktop is sometimes used as a name for both the flat design style pictured above and the tower design.
The monitor is a specialized, high-resolution screen, similar to a high-quality television. The screen is made up of red, green and blue dots. Many times per second, your video card sends signals out to your monitor. The information your video card sends controls
which dots are lit up and how bright they are, which determines the picture you see.

Keyboard: The keyboard is the main input device for most computers. There are many sets of keys on a typical "windows" keyboard. On the left side of the keyboard are regular alphanumeric and punctuation keys similar to those on a typewriter. These are used to
input textual information to the PC. A numeric keypad on the right is similar to that of an adding machine or calculator. Keys that are used for cursor control and navigation are located in the middle. Keys that are used for special functions are located along the top of thekeyboard and along the bottom section of the alphanumeric keys.
An input device that allows the user to "point and click" or "drag and drop". Common functions are pointing (moving the cursor or arrow on the screen by sliding the mouse on the mouse pad), clicking (using the left and right buttons) and scrolling (hold down the
left button while moving the mouse).

Mother Board:
The main circuit board inside the computer--the big green panel that sits on the bottom of
a Desktop PC or along the side of a tower. All the main parts of the PC plug into the motherboard to share data.
Processor (CPU):
The chip that performs the majority of calculations and instructions needed to make your
computer run. The processor is attached to the motherboard. It is often called the computer's "brain."
Memory (RAM):
 (Random Access Memory) Fast computer chips that temporarily store information while
a PC is in use. These chips are the computer's short-term memory used to run applications. Most new PCs have at least 128 megabytes of memory.

Hard Drive:
 The main storage area inside your computer (usually called a C: drive). The hard disk or
hard drive stores your computer's operating system, the programs that are installed on your computer, and most of your files. Hard drive capacity is measured in gigabytes. Most new computers have at least 20 gigabytes of memory.
Floppy Disk:
A 3.5" square holding a flexible magnetic disc that holds information or data. You need a floppy drive (usually called an A: drive) to read the floppy. A floppy disk can hold only 1.44 megabytes, but it isportable and allows you to make extra copies of your   files.                                                                    

(Compact Disk Read-Only Memory) A removable disk which can store large amounts of
information. Because it is Read-Only, new information cannot be saved to it. Requires a CD-ROM drive (usually called a D: drive) to read the information. A CD-ROM can hold 650 - 800 megabytes of information, much more than a floppy disk can hold. Some new              
computers have a CD-RW (Compact Disk ReWritable) drive which allows the user to save information onto a D CD. This is done with lasers in a process called "burning". Once the information is saved onto the CD, it can be read on any CD-ROM drive.
Sound Card: A device that can reproduce almost anysound, including music, speech, and sound effects. A computer must contain a Sound Card in order to produce sounds. You can attach speakers and/or a microphone to the sound card.
A device that translates data from your PC into a form that can be sent to other computers over regular phone lines. The modem also receives signals from other computers and converts it into something your computer can understand. A modem is the device most
home computers use to connect to the Internet.