Tuesday, 14 August 2012


for Select, Copy & Paste
  • Ctrl-A selects all items in a document or window
  • Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert copies the selected item(s) to the Clipboard while leaving them in place
  • Ctrl-X cuts the selected items and copies them to the Clipboard
  • Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the current document at the cursor's current location
for Cursor Positioning
  • Ctrl-right-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word in a document
  • Ctrl-left-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a document
  • Ctrl-down-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
  • Ctrl-up-arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
for Selecting Items
  • Ctrl-shift with an arrow key selects a block of text one word at a time
  • Shift with an arrow key lets you select individual items at random
  • Delete key or Ctrl-D deletes the selected item(s) to the Recycle Bin
  • Shift-Delete deletes the selected item(s) without moving them to the Recycle Bin
Shortcuts for Undo and Redo
  • Ctrl-Z undoes the last action
  • Ctrl-Y redoes the last undone action
for Function Keys
  • F1 displays context-sensitive Help files and opens the Search Help dialogue box.
  • F2 renames the current item
  • F3 opens the Search dialogue to find a file or folder
Other Useful Shortcuts
  • Alt-Tab cycles through the open applications
  • Alt-Enter displays the Properties of a selected item
  • Alt-F4 closes the current application or window
  • Alt-Spacebar opens the shortcut menu for the active window, i. e., Restore, Minimize, Close...
  • Ctrl-Alt-Del opens the Windows Task Manager

Windows Logo Key Shortcuts

Few users know the function of the Windows Logo key (also called the Start button), which bears the four-part Windows logo. It actually activates a whole new set of keyboard shortcuts:
  • Windows Logo key opens the Start menu
  • Windows Logo key + Pause key displays the System Properties dialogue box
  • Windows Logo key + D displays the desktop
  • Windows Logo key + M minimizes all open windows
  • Windows Logo key + Shift + M restores all minimized windows
  • Windows Logo key + E opens Computer (My Computer in Windows XP)
  • Windows Logo key + F opens the Search for File or Folder dialogue
  • Windows Logo key + L locks your computer or lets you switch users
  • Windows Logo key + R opens the Run dialogue box
  • Ctrl + Windows Logo key + F searches for computers on a network

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