Friday, 3 August 2012

Incentive Structure For Procurement of RPLI Business w.e.f.01.10.2009

usiness w.e.f.01.10.2009
RPLI business (Direct Agents (RPLI), FOs/GDS & other RPLI Sales Force)

(a) 10% of First Year premium towards the RPLI policies procured by them w.e.f.01.10.2009
(b) 10% of total incentive paid to GDS to SDI/ASP- in First Year only.
(c) 2.5% of renewal premium income collected by them in respect of those policies procured on or after 01.10.2009

Additional Commission of 1.5% of premium shall be paid to the Group Leaders/ Entrustees for collecting premium towards 1000 or more such RPLI policies procured on or after 01.10.2009

Source :Directorate of PLI(26-02/2009-LI Dated: 18.09.2009

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