Saturday, 2 July 2022

Consequences on GHERAO during the Strike by an employee

 Participation in “GHERAO” by Central Government servants -

Instances have come to the notice of Government in which employees of certain Central Government offices staged which is called “Gherao”, involving forcible confinement of public servants within office premises by surrounding their places of duty and have held demonstrations/meetings both within office premises during office hours and also outside the office premises beyond office hours, tending to forcible confinement of public servants within office premises. Such demonstrations/activities are prejudicial to pubic order and also involve criminal offences like wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, criminal trespass or incitement to commit offences. They are also subversive of discipline and harmful to the public interest and participation in them by Government servants and would constitute good and sufficient reason within the meaning of Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. It has, therefore, been decided that a serious view should be taken of such acts of lawlessness and insubordination on the part of public servants. The Central Government Departments are advised to take action on the following lines in such cases:-

(i) Disciplinary action should be taken against the prominent participants in the ‘Gherao’ for contravention of Rules 3 and 7 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. In the charge-sheet to be served in pursuance of such disciplinary action, it should be specified to the extent that the facts justify, that demonstrations prejudicial to public order and involving criminal offences, namely, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, criminal trespass and incitement to such offences, have been held; that such conduct was subversive of discipline and harmful to the public interest; and that the conduct was wholly unbecoming of a Government servant.

(ii) Absence from work on account of participation in ‘Gherao’, should in all cases be treated as unauthorized absence involving break in service. The absence should not be regularized as leave of any kind.

(iii) Whenever there is a case of ‘Gherao’, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement or criminal trespass or of any other cognizable offence, a written report should be made to the Officer-in-charge of the Police Station having jurisdiction, requesting him to register the offence and to take action under the law. The names of the offenders should be included in the written report. Copies of the report should be endorsed to the Police Commissioner/Superintendent of Police and the Home Secretary to the State Government concerned for necessary action according to law.

(iv) If, notwithstanding the mandatory provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, Police takes no action on such a report, action should be taken promptly to file a complaint before the appropriate Magistrate in respect of the substantive offences under the Indian Penal Code or other law. In certain circumstances a petition could be filed before the High Court for issue of the appropriate writ, but this should be done after taking legal advice.

[OM No. 25/S.11/67-Ests.(A), dated the 13th April, 1967]

(3A) While taking action to file a complaint before the appropriate Magistrate, the assistance of the Officer of the Central Bureau of Investigation if any, available locally, may also be taken in drafting the complaints and deciding the manner, in which evidence should be collected and produced.

[M.H.A. OM No. 25/S.11/67-Estt. (A), dated the 15th April, 1967]

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