Monday, 9 December 2013


A benefited scheme for GDS officials called “Serivce Discharge Benefits Scheme” was introduces w.e.f 01-04-2011 vide Directorate OM No 6-11/2009-PE-II dated 01.04.2011. As you aware, the department of Posts making the contribution for Rs 200/- per month for each GDS official who opted and enrolled into this scheme. But while enrolling into the scheme only 70% of the GDS officials are enrolled in the scheme by various reasons. Few of the GDS officials have no awareness about this scheme and no efforts have been made to create the awareness by administration.

            Therefore the matters have been raised by all unions/ Service federations with the following demand:-

a.      Giving one more chance to opt the scheme.
b.      To allow the GDS to personal contribution towards this scheme.
The Directorate has been decided to giving one more chance to enroll into this scheme on or before 31-01-2014 with terms and conditions vide their OM No 6-11/2009-PE-II dated 31.10.2013.

Also the directorate has decided to allow the contribution to every employee @ 200/- per month w.e.f Oct 2013.

The SDBS is one of the better welfare scheme to GDS employees in view of their future life. All remained employees must and should enroll on or before 31.01.2014 which will not possible to enroll in future in any circumstances.

The fact has been bring the notice of the administration
 click here   to see more

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