Thursday, 1 August 2013

K Y C- KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER a nice package for post office use

Dear All (PMs/SPMs/System Admins)

A user friendly package for Post office Official developed by one of my friend Mr Dinesh Kumar Astotra from  Una -174303 Himachal Pradesh state

Silent features:

1. Showing KYC number automatically   2. No need to duplicate work 3. Just enter the account No and get data . 4. Signature is available to view. 4. Several Option of search  5. Error Free application 6. It can be use network also.(LAN or WAN)

You may download the revised package setup and revised exe from the following site

for Full setup  Use this below link

Installation exe


1.   Download the setup file

2.   Install the program by using the setup file in sql server

3.   In first instant configure the Server information and KYC number

4.   Replace the exe by down loading from following link

Latest exe(Security enabled)

5.    copy the Latest exe in client machines Only.(No need to reinstall again)

(after replacing the latest exe, you will not able to modify the KYC number or delete any files from the package)

If any complication while install you may contact

Umesha HN                                             D K Astotra

SPM  Alur-573213  (Kar)                         System Admin Una-174303(HP)

9449759640                                            9418179515

Note: It is one of the best program for post office official.

Record maintain system:

1     Maintain one Ledger/  blank book

2.    Give the KYC Number and paste the photographs only against the KYC number

3.    Keep a file to preserve the Proof / document given by the customer by assign the KYC number.

Thanks to

Mr D K Astotra for your application development.

1 comment:

Kannan said...

The file was not available in the link. Please upload once again & send it to my mail ID!

PM Grade I,
Koothanallur LSG S.O.
Tamil Nadu. 614101