Saturday, 24 August 2013

Consumer Price Index – Government has planned to bring new series of CPI

Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India has decided to prepare a new series of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. For this purpose, Government has set up a Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) to advise the Government on issues pertaining to the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (New Series). The STC will go into details of various parameters that are taken into consideration for updation of the base year such as the weighting diagram, consumption basket, selection of centres, sample size of establishments for price collection etc.
Government has no specific information about the skilled/semi-skilled worker outsourced by the Central Government /State Governments through contractors not being paid as per the CPI. However, the Contract Labour Act, 1970 inter-alia, contains provisions for payment of wages to these category of workers. The contract workers are also entitled to receive minimum wages as notified by the appropriate Governments from time to time.
This information was given by Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri Kodikunnil Suresh in the Lok Sabha in reply to a written question.
Source : PIB
Background of CPI-IW series:
The CPI-IW series on scientific lines was first introduced with base 1960=100 which was based on the results of Family Living Survey conducted in 1958-59 at 50 industrially important centres. The series was then, updated on base 1982=100 and a revision in 1999-2000 has further updated the base on 2001=100. The current series of CPI-IW  with base year 2001=100 covers 78 industrially important centers spread across the country.
Need for Base Updation:
The consumption pattern of the working class population undergoes change over a period of time and therefore, it becomes necessary that the consumption basket is updated from time to time to account for these changes and to maintain the representative character of the index. The need for frequent revision of base on account of fast changing consumption pattern of the target group has been recommended by International Labour Organisation, National Statistical Commission, National Commission on Labour and also Technical Advisory Committee on Statistics of Prices and Cost of Living. Also this recommendation was strongly reiterated by the Index Review Committee set up under the Chairmanship of Prof. Chadha which inter-alia stated that the intervening gap between the two series should not exceed 10 years. Labour Bureau accordingly, has proposed to revise the base year of the existing CPI-IW series 2001=100 to a more recent base year preferably, 2013-2014=100.
Scope and Coverage
The current series of CPI-IW with base 2001=100 was constructed on the basis of employment data in seven sectors namely, Registered Factories, Mining, Plantations, Ports & Docks, Public Motor Transport, Electricity Generation & Distribution Establishments and Railways sector. The current series comprises of a basket of about 370 items and 289 price collection markets spread across 78 centres of the country. In the existing series, the Working Class Family Income & Expenditure Survey was conducted during 1998-99 by the NSSO and a sample size of 41040 family budget schedules and 15960 house rent schedules (i.e. about a total of 57000 schedules) were canvassed from 78 industrially important centres of the country. The price collection work was done by the Labour Bureau and the main survey work of income & expenditure data collection was conducted by NSSO.
In line with the recommendations of Index Review Committee (IRC), the possibilities of extending the  scope of the new series to two more additional sectors i.e. Handloom and Construction sectors are being considered. However, Labour Bureau expects an increase in the number of centres from existing 78 centres to around 88-95 centres approximately. Consequently, the total number of family budget enquiry schedules and house rent schedules to be canvassed would increase to 70,000 schedules approximately.
i)                    Standing Tripartite Committee
The Index Review Committee (IRC) headed by Prof. G.K. Chadha recommended for constitution of a Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) of all the stakeholders.  Accordingly Ministry of Labour & Employment constituted a Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) vide order No. Y-12011/5/2010-ESA(LB), dated 12th January, 2011.
The Terms of Reference of the STC formed are as follows:
            The Standing Tripartite Committee will
{i}       examine the various aspects of the base year revision of Consumer Price Index Number Series for Industrial Workers {CPI-IW} including the selection of Centres, sample size, sampling design, methodology for deriving the weighting diagram and linking factor;
{ii}      examine the method of price collection procedures and machinery of price collection;
{iii}     examine the centre specific weighting diagrams for all the centres, selection of base year, compilation of base year prices, trial indices; and
{iv}     consider any other relevant issue{s}/matter as may be necessary.
Secretarial assistance to the Standing Tripartite Committee will be provided by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour.  The Committee may also enlist the assistance of subject matter experts within and/or outside the Government and may co-opt members according to necessity

Meghdoot Post Card


India Post introduced Meghdoot Post Card on September 2, 2002. Meghdoot is priced at 25 paise that is half the cost of the regular post card. The writing space available on the address side of the regular post card is made available for advertising in multicolor in case of Meghdoot. The rate of the advertisement is Rs.2 per card and the minimum order for print is 100,000 cards. Meghdoot is printed by Security Printing Press at Hyderabad in sheets of 8 cards, although some have been supplied to post offices by the press in sheets of 4 and pairs of 2 cards.
Being a postal stationery article with an advertisement, its area of distribution is determined by the advertiser, as its design and copy. In addition to the post offices in the area of its distribution the Meghdoot is also made available in limited quantity of 2000 cards at select 8 philatelic bureaus that handle postal stationery, namely Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, and Mumbai.
Meghdoot literally means the cloud-messenger and is title of a play in Sanskrit penned by Kalidasa a few millenniums earlier. Meghdoot is also the name of an award that India Post presents for meritorious services to its employees annually.
The printing of Meghdoot were decentralized to Circle level on October 15, 2003 enabling India Post’s 23 postal circles to directly place their order on the press. However all other postal stationery articles with advertisements such as regular Post Card, Inland Letter Card, Aerogramme, and Envelopes continue to be printed by the order of the national Postal Directorate, New Delhi.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Rules for Flag Hoisting ( INDIA )

... vector illustration : illustration of Indian tricolor flag waving high

Code of Conduct

Pole Height    Flag Size

15' – 20'         3x5'                        

25'                  4x6'

30'                  5x8'

35'- 40'           6x10'

45'                  8x12'

50'- 60'          10x15'

65' – 75'        10x19' or 12x18'

75' – 100'       15x25'

105' – 120'      20x30'

125' – 150'      20x38'    

155' – 200'      30x50'

200'+               30x60'

Being a national symbol it is respected by every Indian .

There are certain dos and don'ts laid down for common people regarding Indian flag
* When the National Flag is raised the saffron color band should be at the top.
* No flag or emblem should be placed either above the National Flag or to its right.
* All other flags to be placed to the left of the National Flag if they are hung in a line.
* When the National Flag is carried in a procession or parade, it shall be on the marching right or in front of the center of the line, if there is a line of other flags.
* Normally the National Flag should be flown over important government buildings like the Rashtrapati Bhawan, the Parliament House, the Supreme Court of India, the High Courts, the Secretariats, the Commissioners' office etc.
* The National Flag or any imitation of it must not be used for purpose of trade, business, or profession.
* The National Flag should always be taken down in the evening at sunset.
According to flag code of India citizens of India did not had the right to hoist the Indian flag except for some important days like Republic day, Independence day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. A renowned industrialist Naveen Jindal challenged this in the court as when he hoisted the flag on his office building he was told not to do so as it may be taken as a breach of code of Indian flag. Then he lodged a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in the court now the decision of the court is pending in this regard but a temporary permission has been granted to Indian citizens to hoist the flag on any day but in a respectable manner.

The National flag, which is a symbol of the Nation's pride, is respectfully hoisted on National festivals like Independence Day and Republic Day. Some rules have been laid down regarding the usage and hoisting of the National flag in order to prevent its denigration. The Ministry of Home affairs has set up the 'Flag code of India', which governs the usage of the National flag by the citizens.
         Very few people, however, are aware that such a flag code exists. We commonly see people waving the National flag proudly during national, cultural and sporting events. However, once the programme or the event is over, we see the flags strewn all around the place. This disrespect must be stopped. Stop using flags made up of plastic.

According to the 'Flag code of India'

1. The National flag should be hoisted at a height in a suitable manner. 

2. Whenever the flag is hoisted, it should occupy the position of honour and be distinctly placed. 

3. Where the practice is to fly the flag on any Government building, it should be flown on that building on all days including Sundays and holidays from sunrise to sunset, irrespective of the weather conditions. 

4. The flag should always be hoisted briskly and lowered slowly and ceremoniously. The hoisting and lowering should be simultaneous with the bugle calls. 

5. When the flag is displayed horizontally or at an angle from the window or balcony, of a building, the saffron band must be upper most. 

6. When the flag is flown during a public meeting, the speaker should face the audience and the flag should be displayed behind and to the right of the speaker or flat against the wall above and behind the speaker. 

7. When used on occasions like the unveiling of a statue, the flag shall be displayed distinctly and separately. 

8. When the flag is displayed on a car, it should be attached to a staff, which should be affixed firmly on the bonnet of the car. 

9. When the flag is carried in a procession or a parade, it should be held in the right hand. If there is a line of other flags, the National flag should be in the middle. 

10. The flag should not be stooped downwards in respect to any person or thing. 

11. No other flag should be hoisted higher than the National flag. 

12. The flag should not be used to cover or decorate the speaker's desk during any meeting. 

13. The National flag should never be displayed with the saffron band down. 

14. The flag should not be allowed to touch the ground or trail in water. 

15. The flag should not be displayed or fastened in a manner which might damage it.

Clear rules have been laid down to prevent misuse of the National flag

1. The flag should not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in State, Military, Central Para-military Forces funerals. 

2. The flag cannot not be draped or stuck over any vehicle, train or boat.

3. The flag should not be used as a curtain in any household. 

4. The flag should not be printed on any clothing or over handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions etc. 

5. Nothing should be written or printed on the National flag. 

6. The flag should not be used in any form of advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be fastened to the pole from which the flag is flown. 

7. Only on Independence Day and Republic Day flower petals are kept inside the flag before it is unfurled. 

8. During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering of the flag, all persons present should face the flag and stand at attention. Those present in uniform should render the appropriate salute. 

9. During a parade, when the flag is in a moving column, persons present will stand at attention and salute as the flag passes by them. A dignitary may take the salute without wearing a cap.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

K Y C- KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER a nice package for post office use

Dear All (PMs/SPMs/System Admins)

A user friendly package for Post office Official developed by one of my friend Mr Dinesh Kumar Astotra from  Una -174303 Himachal Pradesh state

Silent features:

1. Showing KYC number automatically   2. No need to duplicate work 3. Just enter the account No and get data . 4. Signature is available to view. 4. Several Option of search  5. Error Free application 6. It can be use network also.(LAN or WAN)

You may download the revised package setup and revised exe from the following site

for Full setup  Use this below link

Installation exe


1.   Download the setup file

2.   Install the program by using the setup file in sql server

3.   In first instant configure the Server information and KYC number

4.   Replace the exe by down loading from following link

Latest exe(Security enabled)

5.    copy the Latest exe in client machines Only.(No need to reinstall again)

(after replacing the latest exe, you will not able to modify the KYC number or delete any files from the package)

If any complication while install you may contact

Umesha HN                                             D K Astotra

SPM  Alur-573213  (Kar)                         System Admin Una-174303(HP)

9449759640                                            9418179515

Note: It is one of the best program for post office official.

Record maintain system:

1     Maintain one Ledger/  blank book

2.    Give the KYC Number and paste the photographs only against the KYC number

3.    Keep a file to preserve the Proof / document given by the customer by assign the KYC number.

Thanks to

Mr D K Astotra for your application development.