Tuesday, 19 March 2013


No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/ Hospital Cell (Part IX) datedthe 14th February 2013
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108.
Subject: Revival of ‘Continuous Empanelment Scheme’, for private hospitals and diagnostic centres under CGHS.
1.         With a view to ensuring comprehensive health care to CGHS beneficiaries, CGHS has been, apart from the Government Hospitals, empanelling private hospitals and diagnostic centres by floating tenders periodically. The latest tender process in this context commenced in the second half of 2009. Even the already empanelled hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) / diagnostic centres under CGHS were required to submit the bids under this tender process. Through this process, package rates for different treatment procedures and investigations were notified in 2010. As a part of this process, certain hospitals and diagnostic centres which accepted these rates and also signed MOAs with CGHS were notified in CGHS covered cities. Subsequently, with a view to empanel more hospitals and diagnostic centers , continuous empanelment scheme was initiated in December 2010 and was in operation till July 2011 in some cities & till 26th December 2011 in some other cities.
2.         However, it has been noticed that the number of hospitals and diagnostic centres notified as empanelled under CGHS is not adequate to provide a satisfactory level of health care to CGHS beneficiaries in all areas of CGHS covered cities.
3.         Accordingly, it has become necessary to revive ‘Continuous Empanelment Scheme’, to empanel more hospitals and diagnostic centres to take care of existing inadequacy. In this background, it has been decided to invite private hospitals and diagnostic centers to come forward and apply for empanelment under CGHS if, they are willing to accept the rates notified by CGHS in 2010 & as per OM No.Misc.1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/CGHS (P) dated 6/2/2013 and fulfill the same terms and conditions as notified earlier under ‘Continuous Empanelment Scheme’ except for the following modifications:-
a)         Hospitals / Diagnostic centres shall be empanelled for all facilities in all specialties available in the hospitals including those listed under super specialties. Existing hospitals already on panel of CGHS shall not be allowed to add selective specialties/super specialties and will have to offer all available facilities (Undertaking shall be submitted on Rs.100/- non-Judicial Stamp paper attested by Notary Public by hospitals already on panel of CGHS that such hospital shall abide by the terms and conditions of empanelment for the additional facilities and would provide facilities to CGHS beneficiaries in all available specialties/Super specialties (list all the facilities available ) in addition to the agreement signed earlier by such hospitals). The empanelled hospitals will not be permitted to add new specialties or discontinue some specialties subsequently without the approval of the Government.
b)         Application under Super Specialty category or change of category to Super Specialty from already empanelled and other eligible hospitals will be considered only if all facilities available in the hospital are offered as per applicable CGHS rates..
c)         The scrutiny of the applications and finalization of the lists of eligible hospitals and diagnostic centres of a particular city shall be done by a committee under the chairmanship of AD/JD, CGHS of concerned city with two senior most CMOs of that city as members.
d)         Addl. Director / Joint Director of concerned CGHS city may inform the eligible hospitals / diagnostic centres to submit the letters of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the empanelment process. Ads / JDs shall send the details of eligible hospitals / diagnostic centres to Director, CGHS after signing MOA with eligible hospitals/ diagnostic centres and obtaining Performance Bank Guarantee so that the eligible hospitals /diagnostic centres shall be notified by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as empanelled hospitals / diagnostic centres under CGHS.
4.         Empanelment shall be for a period of one year from the date of notification or till new empanelment process , whichever is earlier. All the empanelled hospitals / diagnostic centres shall however, have to participate in the new empanelment process, as and when initiated inorder to continue their empanelment under CGHS.
5.         The continuous empanelment scheme would be in force till next empanelment.
6.         Further, the undersigned is directed to refer to the Office Memorandum of even number dated 15.12.2012 and to state that it has been decided to extend the validity of empanelment of presently empanelled hospitals, diagnostic laboratories and imaging Centers on the same terms and conditions under which they were empanelled for one year or till next empanelment, whichever is earlier.
7.         The application form for the continuous empanelment scheme can be downloaded from the website of CGHS, www.mohfw.nic.in\cghsnew\index.asp.
(V. P. Singh]
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

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