to Federation Of National Postal Organisation
New Delhi]
Sub Post Office Arehalli-573101
Tele: (o) 08177-221321 Mobile-9449759640
President- H.S.Ramamani Secretary- Umesha HN Treasurer- M R Swamy
A monthly meeting was conducted with Superintendent of Post Offices, Hassan Division Hassan on 18/01/2013.
The following were present at the meeting:-
Administration Side
1. Sri H.C.Sadanada Superintendent of Post Offices, Hassan Division.
Staff Side
1. Sri. Umesha HN Divisional Secretary NAPE Hassan Divn
(SPM Arehalli)
2. Sri Chitrasena C/S NUGDS
BPM Mattanavile BO
3. H K Ramakrishna PA Hassan HO
4. M R Govinde Gowda Postman Hassan HO
5. Sanna Eraiah Postman Hassan HO
Agenda and results:-
1. Non returning of GDS leave application by some IP/ASP of sub division duly sanctioned-
Result- Agreed to do so. Now onwards I hope all IPs/ASPs will return one copy of the GDS leave application without fail
2. Showing Office arrangement or LWA even if the GDS employees eligible to Paid leave by Sub Division Heads-
Result- Responded positively and instruction are being issued to all Sub division Heads shortly to not to do so.Staff side members given the requested that it is one of the injustice with GDS and they have complete right to leave with salary.
3 Supply of Drinking Water to All TSOs and other Rural SOs-
Result- Responded positively and agreed to supply one unit of Purit , if demand placed from SPM/PM Concerned.Please place the indent for the same if necessary.
4. Providing Laser printers to APM (SB) and APM (RD) at Hassan HO-
Result-One printer provided as in project arrow office will looking bad if more printer and its paper spread over the table.
5. Supply of uniform to Postman Staff-
Result- A proposal send to PSD and RO. The issue is pending at RO Level
6. Water supply in toilet At Dist Office Post Office-
Result- A temporary arrangement have been made as given the priority for ladies problem.
7. Non passing of Incentive bills for MIS Scheme-
Result- All pending bills cleared and being paid to the officials
8. Providing Chairs for back office PA staff and Postman staff of Hassan HO
Result- Agreed to supply and a competitive quotation/ proposal awaiting from Postmaster Hassan HO
Result- Agreed to supply if indent placed.
8. Non recovery of revised rate of subscription at Hassan HO/ Arsikere HO from Apr 2011 to May 2012. Revised rate of Subscription is Rs 30per month. During the period this period recovered less than Rs 30 in each month.
Result- Being recovered in this month. It is very urgent as HQ and CHQ is stressing hard to send the balance quota.
Case No: NAPEHSN/04/2012-13 Dated: 19/01/2013
Divisional Secretary
NAPE Group-C
Hassan Postal Division.
Copy to :-
1. Sri.B Shiva Kumar
Circle Secretary NAPE Group-C
Jayanagara 3rd Block Bangalore-11
2. File.
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