Wednesday, 20 June 2012

How To Revive A Dead Computer

Mostly computers are operated by staff user, and error caused by user is very common form of pc malfunction. The user accidentally may delete some system files and unknowingly may damaged some configuration or registry files. Also they may try to install some software downloaded from internet and may be infected with virus or trojans etc.
These simple things cause the system to crash. There also may be environmental factors like power fluctuations or in some regions due to extreme climatic conditions which may cause electronic failure. (extreme cold, extreme hot, rains etc)

To solve the error, first we must remember to ask the user what was the last thing he/she had done and undo that thing. Maybe they had done some hardware setting or configured some software.

Below is the checklist of things you should do if you have this kind of problem. 

There is a most common problem that you cannot access you computer at all. If you power on the switch, there is no Display on the monitor & Nothing happens.
Check the wall power outlet. Check the power cord if it is fitted tight into the power supply slot back into your CPU cabinet.

Try to on the PowerSwitch again. If there is no display then..

Check your Power Supply which is inside your PC. 

If the fan is not working, you know the power supply is bad, and replace it. Do not try to repair it now.

Now if the power supply was the problem, then you should have seen the Display on your screen. If not then may be check your Video or Display Card in the system unit. 

If you hear a short beep sound, then your computer is booting and check monitor for display.
Then run some Windows ultilities which come bundled with the operating system such as Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragment and scandisk. This will keep your pc working at its optimum best. If you have Antivirus installed run and check for any viruses, trojan or worms. 

Also try and use a blower to remove air dust that might have been collected inside the system, on the cpu fan. This dust may cause the fan to rotate slower, and it may heat up and cause system crashes.

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