Wednesday, 20 June 2012

How To Revive A Dead Computer

Mostly computers are operated by staff user, and error caused by user is very common form of pc malfunction. The user accidentally may delete some system files and unknowingly may damaged some configuration or registry files. Also they may try to install some software downloaded from internet and may be infected with virus or trojans etc.
These simple things cause the system to crash. There also may be environmental factors like power fluctuations or in some regions due to extreme climatic conditions which may cause electronic failure. (extreme cold, extreme hot, rains etc)

To solve the error, first we must remember to ask the user what was the last thing he/she had done and undo that thing. Maybe they had done some hardware setting or configured some software.

Below is the checklist of things you should do if you have this kind of problem. 

There is a most common problem that you cannot access you computer at all. If you power on the switch, there is no Display on the monitor & Nothing happens.
Check the wall power outlet. Check the power cord if it is fitted tight into the power supply slot back into your CPU cabinet.

Try to on the PowerSwitch again. If there is no display then..

Check your Power Supply which is inside your PC. 

If the fan is not working, you know the power supply is bad, and replace it. Do not try to repair it now.

Now if the power supply was the problem, then you should have seen the Display on your screen. If not then may be check your Video or Display Card in the system unit. 

If you hear a short beep sound, then your computer is booting and check monitor for display.
Then run some Windows ultilities which come bundled with the operating system such as Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragment and scandisk. This will keep your pc working at its optimum best. If you have Antivirus installed run and check for any viruses, trojan or worms. 

Also try and use a blower to remove air dust that might have been collected inside the system, on the cpu fan. This dust may cause the fan to rotate slower, and it may heat up and cause system crashes.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Computer Viruses, Worms and Trojans Explained

Fighting viruses and getting rid of them is big business right now. The first step knows just what the enemy is.

THE ENEMY - Hackers and Crackers 

Computer geeks say that there is a difference between hackers and crackers. Crackers do damage to systems they break into while hackers just want to see how everything works. We'll use the more common term of hacker. Originally the term hacker was someone who made furniture with the use of an axe.

A virus is 'malware' for your computer. This is a term that covers all kinds of software that is malicious. The most common types of malware are Trojans, worms, and viruses.


Viruses are often hidden inside of other programs, for example installation programs that arrive to you through email attachments. When you run this host program the virus is executed. When the virus is in your computer memory it will be able to do a lot of damage such as infecting other computer programs.

Once the infection phase of the virus is complete the next stage begins: the destructive phase. Viruses will wait for a certain trigger, such as a date or the number of times that the virus has been copied, before the payload is delivered. The payload can be as simple as messages all the way to the deletion of files to the destruction of your operating system.

When viruses were first created they were often distributed on a floppy disk. As the Internet has grown, email and file downloads are the best way for viruses to be passed. Email can have attachments that can contain any type of computer file. Executable files can be loaded with viruses and therefore you shouldn't run them unless you're sure that they are virus free.


Worms are much like viruses because they are self-copying. They can reproduce across multiple networks without human aid, such as through the sending of emails. Worms, however, don't need an executable program in order to be passed along.

A worm can affect a computer network more than it can infect computers that are on that network. Because they self-copy they can overload the resources on a network. This can cause slow downs in the speed of data transfers by using a large amount of bandwidth...more bandwidth than is needed for normal network traffic. Any network that routes traffic on the Internet is simply known as software and hardware that is specialized. Both software and hardware can be bothered by malware.

A worm can be created to carry payloads by using an installation program through the backdoor. A backdoor is an access point into the computer that is hidden. The worm uses the backdoor and ignores the usual procedure for login. Backdoors are often used by spammers so that they can send junk email.


A Trojan horse is another kind of malware. A Trojan horse is a computer program that acts as though it will do one thing when it will actually do something different. This term comes from the story of Troy, a city which was deceived by the Greeks to get into the inner city undetected. A Trojan horse can't replicate itself the way viruses and worms can.

A Trojan horse can be hidden in software that is otherwise useful. When a Trojan horse starts it can do such things as corrupt files, install backdoors, erase data, and keep track of keystrokes. This information will enable hackers to steal your personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers.


In this series we will talk about what you can do to fight malware. Until then it's important to just be passive and not expect that your computer problems will be taken care of by someone else. Combating viruses needs the involvement of users, webmasters, and software vendors

Saturday, 16 June 2012

How to Repair Computer

Follow this step by step approach to exactly diagnose and repair computer.

Repairing your computer yourself can be manageable if you follow some simple steps, if you are aware of some basic computer terms and programs.
how to repair computer
I am listing you step by step simple steps to check and repair your computer problem. 

Although the subject is vast, I have tried to list the most important things that you should check for.

If your PC is not booting at all - Check the following steps.

1. Check the power cable

2. Check the spike or ups if its ok

3. Check the Hard disk and power on lights

4. If they are on, then check if the monitor light is on or blinking

5. Check for boot up beep sound. If you hear a beep sound then the system is booting ok and you might have a problem with your monitor.

6. If there is no beep sound, check if your SMPS or Power supply is working. (See if the fan is rotating) You can see that on the back of your computer cabinet.

7. If the smps is working and still there is no beep sound, then there might be a problem with your Ram or Memory. Try cleaning the RAM slot and the RAM chip. You can even try to shift the RAM to an empty slot if available.

8. Check your small internal pc speakers if they are working. (you might not have heard the beep sound if the speakers were not working)

9. Try removing all add-on card in your motherboard PCI slots and starting the system. Sometimes one of the cards might be damaged and this might be the cause of PC boot error.

10. Check your CPU fan if it is working fine. Also see if the fan is rotating fast enough. If the fan rotates slowly, the fan ball bearing might be damaged and this might cause the CPU to heat up excessively and it might have been damaged.

11. Check for any physical burnt or swelled up capacitors on your motherboard. If yes, then the motherboard must be repaired or replaced.

12. Check for any loose connections of your card slots, wires and power cables inside the cabinet. Try to exchange the power cables with another part. (eg remove the power cable of the harddisk and insert in CD-ROM and vice-versa)

13. Also look if the motherboard is touching the cabinet tray. If yes, the power is sort, and that is why it is not booting.

14. If you are aware of the computer parts and have some basic knowledge, you could even try to dismantle all parts and assemble it again. (What we refer this is as "Open Set-up")

15. If you have followed the above steps correctly, you may at least have diagnosed the exact problem.
Hope the above helps to identify and correct the problem. I have tried my best to explain you the steps.

Friday, 15 June 2012

To create and format a partition (volume)

When you create partitions on a basic disk using Disk Management, the first three volumes you create will be formatted as primary partitions. Beginning with the fourth volume, each volume will be configured as a logical drive within an extended partition
1.        Open Computer Management by clicking the Startbutton Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, clicking Administrative Tools, and then double-clicking Computer Management.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
2.        In the Navigation pane, under Storage, click Disk Management.
3.        Right-click an unallocated region on your hard disk, and then click New Simple Volume.
4.        In the New Simple Volume Wizard, click Next.
5.        Type the size of the volume you want to create in megabytes (MB) or accept the maximum default size, and then click Next.
6.        Accept the default drive letter or choose a different drive letter to identify the partition, and then clickNext.
7.        In the Format Partition dialog box, do one of the following:
·                     If you don't want to format the volume right now, click Do not format this volume, and then clickNext.
·                     To format the volume with the default settings, click Next.
8.        Review your choices, and then click Finish.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Three per cent quota in Government Service for the Disabled is only for initial appointments not for Promotions - Madras High Court

Three per cent quota in government service for the disabled is only for initial appointments, and the government cannot be directed to extend it for promotions, ruled the Madras High Court on Monday.
Dismissing a petition seeking a direction to the government to reserve three per cent for promotions to physically handicapped persons, Justice K. Chandru said: “The provisions are contemplated only for initial appointments and not for promotions. The petitioner has not made out any case to seek a direction to provide for reservation for the disabled persons in the matter of promotions in respect of State services.”

The writ petition was filed by the South Arcot Vallalar District Handicapped Welfare Association, represented by its president S. Shanmugam, seeking reservation for the disabled in promotions. If suitable employees were not available in a particular year, the unfilled posts could be carried over for the next three succeeding years.
When the matter was heard, the State Commissioner for the Disabled stated that there was no government policy to reserve three per cent of posts in promotions to be filled from the disabled category.
The disabled persons were considered only for the direct recruitment posts under three per cent reservation as per a G.O issued in 1981. Promotions were made in government departments based on seniority or transfer of service.
Mr. Justice Chandru said it could be seen from the G.O. that reservation for disabled persons was only horizontal and not vertical as contemplated in Article 16 of the Constitution.
He said that even in respect of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, it was only by virtue of amendments made to the Constitution and by introduction of Article 16(4A) that the State had been empowered to make provision for reservation in promotion to any class or classes of posts in the service

Source: The Hindu

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Various time limit has been prescribed under which the information can be obtained under Right to Information Act-2005. These time limits are prescribed by the Act itself, and failing which an RTI Applicant can approach appropriate authorities for relief.

For matters involving "Life and Liberty", the time limit for the PIO to provide information is 48 Hours.

For PIO to reply to application

30 days from date of receipt of application
For PIO to transfer to another PA under Sec 6(3)

5 days from date of receipt of application
For PIO to issue notice to 3rd Party

5 days from date of receipt of application
For 3rd Party to make a representation to PIO

10 days from receipt of notice from PIO
For PIO to reply to application if 3rdParty involved 

40 days from date of receipt of application
For applicant to make First Appeal

30 days from date of receipt of PIO’s reply or from date when reply was to be received
For First Appellate Authority to pass an order

30 days from receipt of First Appeal OR
Maximum 45 days, if reasons for delay are given in writing
For applicant to make Second Appeal before CIC/SIC

90 days from receipt of First Appeal orders or from the date when orders were to be received
For CIC/SIC to decide Second Appeal

No time limit specified


  • If the request has been made to the PIO, the reply is to be given within 30 days of receipt.
  • If the request has been made to an APIO, the reply is to be given within 35 days of receipt.
  • If the PIO transfers the request to another public authority (better concerned with the information requested), the time allowed to reply is 30 days but computed from the day after it is received by the PIO of the transferred authority.
  • Information concerning corruption and Human Rights violations by scheduled Security agencies (those listed in the Second Schedule to the Act) is to be provided within 45 days but with the prior approval of the Central Information Commission.
  • Information, disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security, "strategic, scientific or economic" interests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offense;
    • Information which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal or the disclosure of which may constitute contempt of court;
    • Information, the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of Parliament or the State Legislature;
    • Information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property, the disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of a third party, unless the competent authority is satisfied that larger public interest warrants the disclosure of such information;
    • Information available to a person in his fiduciary relationship, unless the competent authority is satisfied that the larger public interest warrants the disclosure of such information;
    • Information received in confidence from foreign Government;
    • Information, the disclosure of which would endanger the life or physical safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for law enforcement or security purposes;
    • Information which would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders;
    • Cabinet papers including records of deliberations of the Council of Ministers, Secretaries and other officers;
    • Information which relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, or which would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual (but it is also provided that the information which cannot be denied to the Parliament or a State Legislature shall not be denied by this exemption);
    • Notwithstanding any of the exemptions listed above, a public authority may allow access to information, if public interest in disclosure outweighs the harm to the protected interests. (NB: This provision is qualified by the proviso to sub-section 11(1) of the Act which exempts disclosure of "trade or commercial secrets protected by law" under this clause when read along with 8(1)(d))
  • Thursday, 7 June 2012

    EXPECTED RATE OF DA W.E.F.01.07.2012

    Expecting revised rate of Dearness allce w.e.f. 01-07-2012 will be 72 percent i.e 7% will hike

    Sources--- Data consumer prices india