Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Most of all Offices now working with Sanchaypost 6.6.1.
After Introducing this version,additional features have been incorporated and come into force for regular transactions.

Here one thing I found that by going withdrawal in NREG,OAP,BPL sb accounts (is now calling debit by ECS) , there was no provision made to view the "signature" as earlier like SB withdrawal.

Hence the temporary solution is suggested as under until further modification for provide the option by SDC chennai.

You Need to login as <SUPERUSER>

Click on Form Options>
1.Assign Form>
Assign User to Forms>
Select The User Name as"COUNTER>"
Tick on "Add">
Select the Group Name "COMMON">
Select the Form Name "Signature Scanning">
Select the User Type "TAU">
Select the Privilege "ALL"

Click on "OK" and exit from The package

Login as "COUNTER"
SELECT "Signature Scanning"
SELECT "New Form"
Click on  "View"
SELECT the "Scheme"
Type The "Account NO"
Press "ENTER"
View and compare the signature with SB-7/SB-7A etc.

If any Comments- eMail-

Have a nice day

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