Tuesday, 3 April 2012


The Karnataka State Government Employees will soon get enhanced salary as per the recommendations of State Pay Committee report.  The gist of the Karnataka State Pay Committee Report issued in the month of March 2012 is as follows

Revised Pay Structure & Pay Scales

(i) The State should continue to have its own Pay Structure for its employees.
(ii) The new Pay Structure is related to the index level of 191.5 points obtainable on 1.1.2012 (base 2001=100).
(iii) The concept of Master Scale with 91 stages are retained.
(iv) The Fitment Benefit is 22.5 per cent inclusive of 15 per cent Interim Relief.
(v) To retain the existing 25 standard scales, segments from the Master Scale.
(vi) The new pay structure includes the Dearness Allowance as on 1.1.2012 at the index level of 191.5 points.
(vii) The revised Pay Scales, Allowances and Pensions are effective from 1.4.2012.
(viii) To revise the Minimum pay scale from Rs.4800-7275 to Rs.9600-14550.
(ix) To revise the Maximum pay scale from Rs.28275-39900 to Rs.56550-79800.
(x) The existing rates of increments have been doubled
(xi) The new pay shall be fixed w.e.f. 1.4.2012 as follows.
1) Basic Pay as on 1.4.2012
2) DA of 76.75 per cent as on 1.1.2012
3) Fitment benefit of 22.5 per cent of basic pay inclusive of 15 per cent Interim Relief.
(xii) The DA from 1.7.2012 is to be allowed with multiplication factor of 0.604 for every 1 per cent of DA sanctioned by Government of India.
Part 1 Allowances
(i) For purposes of HRA, classification of cities/ towns /other places reduced from
six groups to four groups. The minimum rate of HRA increased from 6 per cent to 7 per cent. Rural allowance of Rs.100 is removed.
(ii) The existing rates of CCA is increased from Rs.80 – 300 to Rs. 250 – 400 per month.
(iii) The rate of Medical Allowance for group C & D employees is increased from Rs.50 per month to Rs.100 per month.
(iv) The existing rate of Conveyance Allowance is increased from Rs.100 – 400 to Rs.200 – 600.
(v) Rates of Road Mileage, Daily Allowance, Special Daily Allowance, Transfer grant hiked substantially.
(vi) The existing rates of FTA is increased from Rs.150 – 700 to Rs.225 – 750.
(vii) Out of State Allowance to be 25 per cent in the revised pay scale for the officials
working in Delhi and 10 per cent of the revised pay scale for officials working in Varanasi, Thirumala, Srisailam and other offices located outside the state.
(viii) Rate of Charge Allowance enhanced from 5 per cent to 7.5 per cent in the revised pay scale and the ceiling limit of Rs.1000 removed.
(ix) Rates of Hill Station Allowance are revised from Rs.150 – 250 to Rs.200 – 300 per month.
(x) The rates of Initial Grant, Renewal Grant, Maintenance Allowance under Uniform Allowance increased substantially.
The Committee recommends for introducing five day work week.
7.1 Government of Karnataka has been evolving its own pay structure for employees, based on the recommendations of the State Pay Commissions and Committees in the past.  The general recommendation has been to continue with this basic system, while effecting improvements from time to time.  In particular, adoption of Central Pay Scales has not been favoured because of fundamental differences in the conditions of service, designations, eligibility criteria, mode ofrecruitment, duties and jurisdictions.
7.2 The popular impression that more and more states have adopted the ‘Central Scales’ does not appear to be true on closer scrutiny of the pay scales and allowances.  Most of the states which appear to have adopted the Government of India pay structure have not given parity in case of a large number of posts.  For example, the categories like Second Division Assistant, Primary School Teachers, Secondary School Teachers, Assistant Engineers have not been given the same pay and grade pay as in the case of Government of India.  While Group-D posts have been abolished in Government of India, States have retained these posts.
7.3 In the matter of allowances also, there are variations.  While some states like Maharashtra and Punjab have given HRA/Transport Allowance at the Central rates, Gujarat has adopted a different rate of Transport Allowance.  As per the HRA slabs in Tamil Nadu, for example, employees of Group-D and Group-A are eligible for Rs. 560 p.m and Rs. 2,600 p.m. respectively only in Chennai whereas it is 25% of Basic in Bangalore.  Kerala has also adopted a different HRA pattern.
7.4 Another important factor to be noted is the index level which a particular State or Central Government takes as base for revising scales and merger of DA.  The States of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala which have been revising pay scales of employees once in five years have adopted their own pay structure at different index levels.  State and Central Governments have got different frequencies of pay-revision.  The Government of India, for example, has appointed five Pay Commissions in the last five decades, whereas the Government of Karnataka during the same period has appointed five Pay Commissions and four Pay Committees.  Thus the apparent difference in pay scales at any given point of time needs to be seen in the perspective of differing frequencies of pay-revision.
7.5 Economic conditions of a State, the need of resources for development of infrastructure and building human capital, and finally, the fiscal capacity have to guide decision-making on the matters of pay-revision.  The previous Pay Commissions and Committees have also gone into this fundamental issue of ‘the capacity to pay’.  The Terms of Reference of the present Official Pay Committee also clearly prescribe that the recommendations should be made keeping in view the resources of the State Government and Government commitments for various development programmes and other statutory and regulatory functions within the overall mandate of the Karnataka Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2002.
7.6 The current structure of pay scales and allowances are based on the recommendations of the Fifth State Pay Commission with effect from 1.7.2005.  The pay scales had then been revised linking with the cost of living index as represented by the average of 524 points in the AIACPI numbers for industrial workers (General Base 1982=100).  There are at present 25 scales of pay with a Master Scale.
7.7 After taking into account the relevant facts and financial implications, the Committee recommends as follows.
1. The Government of Karnataka shall continue to retain its own pay structure for its employees.
2. The concept of Master Scale with 91 stages are to be retained.
3. To retain the existing 25 standard scale segments from the Master Scale.
4. To retain the existing 16 increment stages. The existing  increment rates increased from Rs.100 – 850 to Rs. 200 – 1700 respectively.
5. The existing vertical and horizontal relativities among the existing pay scales have been retained.
6. To give 22.5% of basic pay as Fitment Benefit while fixing the pay in the revised scales of pay. The Fitment Benefit includes 15% of Interim Relief
sanctioned w.e.f. 1.11.2011.
7. To merge the DA as on 01.01.2012 at the index level of 191.5 points in the new pay structure recommended by it.
8. The existing minimum pay of Rs.4800/- is increased to Rs. 9600/- and the maximum pay of Rs. 39,900/- is revised to Rs. 79800/-. The revised pay would include 76.75% DA as of 01.01.2012 at the index level of 191.5 points (Base:2001=100).
9. The recommended Master Scale and 25 Pay Scales corresponding to the existing Master Scale and pay scales are as follows:
1. Master Scale1. Master Scale
4800-100-6000-125-6500-150-7100-175-7800- 200-8600-225-9500-250-10500-300-12300- 350-14400-400-16800-450-19500-525- 22650-600-26250-675-30300-750-34800- 850-39900
Minimum-4800; Maximum-39900
Number of Pay Stages-91
9600-200-12000-250-13000-300-14200- 350-15600-400-17200-450-19000-500- 21000-600-24600-700-28800-800-33600- 900-39000-1050-45300-1200-52500- 1350-60600-1500-69600-1700-79800
Minimum-9600; Maximum-79800
Number of Pay Stages-91
2. Annual Increment Rate
2. Annual Increment Rate
200,250,300,350,400,450,500,600,700, 800,900,1050,1200,1350,1500,1700
3. Pay stages of Increment rates4800,6000,6500,7100,7800,8600,9500, 10500,12300,14400,16800,19500,22650,
26250,30300,34800, 39900
3. Pay stages of Increment rates
9600,12000,13000,14200,15600,17200, 19000,21000,24600,28800,33600,39000, 45300,52500,60600,69600,79800
4. Minimum and Maximum                                  1:8.314. Minimum and Maximum                            1:8.31
Existing and Recommended Pay Scales
Sl.No.Existing Pay ScalesSpan
1311400-300-12300-350-14400-400- 16800-450-19500-525-2160025
Sl.No.Recommended Pay ScalesSpan
19600-200-12000-250-13000-300- 14200-350-1455021
210400-200-12000-250-13000-300- 14200-350-15600-400-1640022
311000-200-12000-250-13000-300- 14200-350-15600-400-17200-450-1900025
411600-200-12000-250-13000-300- 14200-350-15600-400-17200-450-19000-500-2100026
512500-250-13000-300-14200-350- 15600-400-17200-450-19000-500-21000-600-2400027
613600-300-14200-350-15600-400- 17200-450-19000-500-21000-600-24600-700-2600026
714550-350-15600-400-17200-450- 19000-500-21000-600-24600-700-2670024
816000-400-17200-450-19000-500- 21000-600-24600-700-28800-800-2960024
1019000-500-21000-600-24600-700- 28800-800-33600-900-3450023
1120000-500-21000-600-24600-700- 28800-800-33600-900-3630023
1221600-600-24600-700-28800-800- 33600-900-39000-1050-4005024
1322800-600-24600-700-28800-800- 33600-900-39000-1050-4320025
1424000-600-24600-700-28800-800- 33600-900-39000-1050-4530025
1526000-700-28800-800-33600-900- 39000-1050-45300-1200-4770024
1628100-700-28800-800-33600-900- 39000-1050-45300-1200-5010023
1730400-800-33600-900-39000-1050- 45300-1200-5130021
1832800-800-33600-900-39000-1050- 45300-1200-5250019
1936300-900-39000-1050-45300- 1200-52500-1350-5385016
2038100-900-39000-1050-45300- 1200-52500-1350-5520015
2140050-1050-45300-1200-52500-1350- 5655014
2452500-1350-60600-1500-69600-1700- 7300014

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