Tuesday, 6 March 2012


The Child Care Leave introduced since the implementaion of 6 Pay commission report. It is only the facility to the women employees working  in central Govt Departments. However It Does not meant that CCL should disrupt the organisation's best functions.

Silent Features

1.   It come into the force w.e.f .01 Sep 2008.
2.   Creation- after implementation of 6CPC.
3.   No of Days- 730 days(2 years) during the entire service.
4.   This CCL will not deduct against any kind of other leave.
5.   It can be avail more than one spell.
6.   For the purpose Maximum of two children.
7.   Women employees having minor children can be avail this facility
8.   No one can ask the Child Care leave for the children aged 18 years and above.
9.   It can be avail for the purpose of  caring newly borne baby or any time and later like  children examination.sickness etc.
10. During period of such leave the women employees have complete right of Leave salary for the sanctioned period.
11.  Leave can be utilize as per administrative possibility 
12.  CCL can be combined with any kind of leave.
13.  CCL can not be demanded as a right.
14.  Under no circumstances the employee proceed on leave without proper prior approval of leave sanctioning authority.
15.  In case of sunday GH and RHs falls during the leave as prefix and suffix, these also treated as CCL.

In any office/organisation suppose consists of two or more women employees working and apllied for CCL.
Then one by one can avail this facility. Due to everyone's demand the office/ organisation can not be close for facilitating the CCL.

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