Friday, 13 December 2019

Updated version dated 12.12.2019 for Tool for the RICT SOLUTION and LOT generator 

Updated version dated 12.12.2019

Click the below link to down load.

Just download it and replace the existing MsAccess dB of CSI_SDP.accdb available inside C:\SDP_CSI.

RD default fee not appearing properly in counter transactions LOT. Rectified.

Tool for the RICT SOLUTION and LOT generator                 Version Date 01.12.2019

After implementation of RICT at BO level, all Savings Bank works is being done in the device only. Hence difficulties in generating LOT. Hence this version released. All new account opened in RICT will be reflect in respective list of the BO.

Download links:

 "SDP_CSI_01_12_2019"​  use the link - 

"KAVASU Dynamic Solution"  use  the link -   

For watch the video for demo and how to copy the data click the below links and download the same

Demo 1

Demo 2

How to extraction 

 1. Extract the. Rar file "SDP_CSI_01_12_2019"  into your computer C drive 
2. Extract the. Rar file "KAVASU Dynamic Solution" into your computer desktop 

3. Please note: while your office settings through Kavasu Dynamic Solution on desktop, do not disturb "BOCODE" before the "  $ " symbol of "SO"
MsAccess Settings

Open one New  “New Microsoft Office Access 2007” anywhere

Right Click on top of the left corner

-->    Customize Quick Access Toolbar > Advanced > Un-tick all the three boxes under Confirm group
-->    Customize Quick Access Toolbar > Trust Center> Trust Center Settings> Select the “ Show the message Bar in all Application…….”
-->    Customize Quick Access Toolbar > Trust Center> Trust Center Settings>Macro Settings> Select “ Enable all Macros …….”

New Features Added/Modified.

-->     New Accounts opened at  Branch Office in RICT device will appear in the report of LOT of respective BO after opened the account at Account office

 -->    The amount  of RD Defaults appearing with rounded off to nearest Rupees solved and Now the actual amount of Default fee will reflect in LOT 

 -->    The Option of MIS,TD and SCSS disabled

-->    Automatic Transfer from TD Interest into SB Accounts added


Silent features and the role of this Tool

A. The whole finacle transaction will get generated within in 10-15 minutes entire LOTs

 B. The 60% paper saving on printing Lot for both SO and BO and NO NEED to generate LOT using HFINRPT

 C. The user friendly 

 D. The consolidation report is made available as per directorate order 

 E. The option for SSA LOT
F. All Bo transactions will come in single page 

 G. The list of transactions will looks like old traditional LOT

 H. Developed by keeping the in view of IPPB excluded
I. Automatic transfers from mis to sb, scss  to SB , TD to SB and sb to rd MADE available 

 J. Pay in slip and sb7 made available to automatic transfer transactions 

 K. MPKBY list made available to print 

L. The many more important options are available to post office daily use. 

 M. User friendly to SBCO staff for voucher checking 

 N. Head acne free from maintaining huge and bundle of records 

 O. The Super saving option to the department of Posts on expenditures on A4 size printing paper 

 P. Long lasting of refilled and cartridge due to minimaising the work of printing


1.   Microsoft office MSAccess2007 or higher (In case asking the path, give the path C:\SDP_CSI

2.   Enable the Macro and others by looking the screenshot of initialization

3.   DO the Office “Settings”by Using the folder "KAVASU Dynamic Solution" located in your desktop.

4.   Automatically showned the method of working in video. Copy the data only without the header from webpage and paste into the respective file of "KAVASU Dynamic Solution"


Main activities;-

 Login into finacle and execute the menu HFTI 


> enter the respective General ledger Subhead code for getting the report


> Codes are  SB 30001 RD 30010 SSA 30042 MIS 30016  NewAccounts 10005 so on


> RD Defaults your SOLID+0384  (573218010384) in the block of A/c ID without <General ledger Subhead code>


> SSA Default your SOLID+SSA04  (57321801SSA04) in the block of A/c ID without <General ledger Subhead code>


> RDLRP also can get by using your SOLID+325  (573218010325) in the block of A/c ID without <General ledger Subhead code>


> RD Rebate your SOLID+0327  (573218010327) in the block of A/c ID without <General ledger Subhead code>


New Activities Added In Version date 01.12.2019


-->    Accounts opened at BO(SB and RD only) will be reflect in respective BO LOT. A new option for copy the data from HFTI menu by using General ledger Subhead code 10005 and to paste into <BONewAccts.bat> provided


For Existing User:

 Go to the C Drive and Open C:\SDP_CSI\ ProfitCentre.txt and copy all data in some another location.

After copy the folder SDP_CSI into “C” Drive and the folder "KAVASU Dynamic Solution" located in your desktop, Do the Office “Settings”