Friday, 29 November 2013

Agenda Items for Departmental Council (JCM) Meeting on 27th November, 2013 at 10.00 A.M. in G.P. Roy Committee Room, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi

Serial Number 6
Agenda No 27

Preparation and maintenance of APARs of officials working in Post office 
– Case of S. K. Region Karnataka Circle.

In Karnataka circle, one DO letter No. SK/STA/APAR/Rlgs/2013 dated 8th March 2013 was sent by Dr. P. M. Saravanan, Director of Postal Services, S. K. Region, Karnataka circle to all Divisional heads, fixing points for some items of work to be done by post office staff, for the purpose of APAR grading which is in practical, no one will get above average even though he completed the work assigned to him. Clear orders from DOP&T exist for performance assessment and grading vide DOP&T OM No. 21011/2005-Estt (A) (Pt II) dated 23rd July 2009. Department of Posts has not issued any separate orders. As such, the regional Directors are not empowered to fix separate yardsticks for performance assessment and grading as per their own taste. The orders issued by the DPS, SK. Region, is not in conformity with the DOP&T orders and is bad in law. If each officer is allowed to fix his own norms, according to his own whims and fancy the Postal employees will be the ultimate sufferers. It is therefore requested to cause instructions to withdraw the instructions forthwith.

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Sunday, 24 November 2013


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Umesha HN