Saturday, 29 September 2012


Dear all

Please note that if you had not upgraded the Meghdoot Millenium 7.0 update 3 you may configure the tariff of "speed post inland" as per the file attached in the following link, But it having some little variation in service Tax.

Download the procedure in this link

Monday, 24 September 2012

BEGGERS- a discussion on Where-Why-When-How

Dear friends

Now I am discussing about the BEGGERS
There are so many types of baggers category will available to our daily vision. Especially, those who are individuals displaced from their homes, people with health problems, mentally affected individuals, drug addicts and abuse victims. 

Where are they findings-?
 Some beggars have other options such as shelters, others have no choice but to beg (this is largely dependent on location and outreach). Even people with considerable amounts of money have been known to ask others for assistance.

What type of their body structure-?
In some cases, I saw some beggars that they are looking very well and healthy and good looking. But their job is asking some money and some needs always. These types of beggers are very lazy and they do not want to hard work.

In some other cases, as I already discussed in above lines, some baggers are intensively pushed into the job of begging. But due to their mentally disorder of their physical conditions, they unknowingly pushed into BEGGING.

In some of other situation, the people of responsibility in the home, not caring the old aged persons like parents, children’s, etc also come on road to begging.

How to identify them-
Most of all beggers are carrying a mug (Cup) and a plate for begging. Also may be sleeping on the road or any one of the empty shelter. In more, some people are rubbing their body due to the mental and            UN-maintained body/health.

Main reason for pushing them into begging are-
  1. Due to refusal by the society
  2. Due to mental disorder
  3. Due to Phisical/ mental disabilities
  4. Due to un-caring in the house
  5. Due to Pushing into sexual activities to the young ladies
  6. Due to Economicaly un-sound
  7. Due to Lasyness about the old aged parent.
  8. Due to lasyness in hard working
  9. Due to Missing from native/parents/children/relatives and not able to come back to their home.
 How to push back into mainstream in the society
1.        Better role in the government policies.
2.        Not giving any money/help to lazy beggers
3.        Support to old aged person who are missed from the relatives
4.        If physically and mentally disorder, send them to hospital and take little care for them
5.        If forcibly pushed into begging, lodge a compliant in the police/ court
6.        If forcibly pushed into sexual activities, they should arrange to spend a better life
7.        Observe the peoples who are supporting to begging and should be handed over to the police.

What is the main impact on us
    After discussing the above, why-how-where-when creating the problems in the society.
  1. They troubling the people walked on the road, visiting the temple
  2. They making the our better environments into worst environment
  3. Increasing the numbers of begger in the society
  4. They may be involve in the criminal activities ,Robbery, Dacoits etc.

Therefore, our main responsibility in the society is- Avoid the begger and their begging.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Dear all

Please note,
if you are upgrading the update3 by using Meghdoot Installer.exe, be careful and be with cool until it complete all the process.

Otherwise you go through mannual upgradation as per instructions given in released documents.

Problem-  You may face the error

:[Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AI" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.] : Script Execution Error : While executing statement CREATE procedure

:[There is already an object named 'SPCODPayment' in the database.] : Script Execution Error : While executing statement CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SPCODPayment]

and may more


You cannot work with POSTMAN package properly. You may not possible to transact eMO in postman package.

With regards


Sunday, 16 September 2012

Meghadoot Millennium Version 7.3.0(Update 3)

PTC Mysore released the update3 for Megh Millennium 7 version.

Do Upgrade all office and enjoy.

If Any error/problem facing while WNX Configuration you may refer this to us for better solution.
+91 94497 59640

Saturday, 15 September 2012


I given the link to this blog for RAILWAY ENQUIRY for easily find the Train No, Route, Fare,PNR status and many more.

Use the option, GOOD LUCK