Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Type of Policy :- EA   
 S. No          Type of Policy           Financial Year                                 Bonus       Year   Bonus_10*
                                          From                 To                                    Rate      
1                   EA                 01-APR-1995        31-MAR-1996              60.00     1996         60.00
2                   EA                 01-APR-1996       31-MAR-1997               50.00     1997         50.00
3                   EA                 01-APR-1997       31-MAR-1998               50.00     1998         50.00
4                   EA                 01-APR-1998       31-MAR-1999               50.00     1999         50.00
5                   EA                 01-APR-1999       31-MAR-2000               50.00     2000         50.00
6                   EA                 01-APR-2000       31-MAR-2001               50.00     2001         50.00
7                   EA                 01-APR-2001       31-MAR-2002               50.00     2002         50.00
8                   EA                 01-APR-2002       31-MAR-2003               50.00     2003         50.00
9                   EA                 01-APR-2003       31-MAR-2004               52.00     2004         55.00
10                 EA                 01-APR-2004       31-MAR-2005               55.00     2005         55.00
11                 EA                 01-APR-2005       31-MAR-2006               55.00     2006         55.00
12                 EA                 01-APR-2006       31-MAR-2007               55.00     2007         55.00
13                 EA                 01-APR-2007       31-MAR-2008               55.00     2008         55.00
14                 EA                 01-APR-2008       31-MAR-2009               55.00     2009         55.00
15                 EA                 01-APR-2009       31-MAR-2010               55.00     2010         55.00
16                 EA                 01-APR-2010       31-MAR-2011               55.00     2011         55.00

* Bonus Rate for Policies running over 10 years.

Sunday, 29 July 2012


Type of Policy :- EA                                                        

  S. No       Type of Policy            Financial Year          Bonus Rate     Year      Bonus_20*
                                  From                 To
    1              EA          01-APR-2009       31-MAR-2010       70.00       2010         70.00
    2              EA          01-APR-2010       31-MAR-2011       70.00       2011         70.00
    3              EA          01-APR-1967       31-MAR-1968       22.00       1968         22.00
    4              EA          01-APR-1968       31-MAR-1969       22.00       1969         22.00
    5              EA          01-APR-1969       31-MAR-1970       24.00       1970         24.00
    6              EA          01-APR-1970       31-MAR-1971       24.00       1971         24.00
    7              EA          01-APR-1971       31-MAR-1972       24.00       1972         24.00
    8              EA          01-APR-1972       31-MAR-1973       25.00       1973         25.00
    9              EA          01-APR-1973       31-MAR-1974       25.00       1974         25.00
   10              EA          01-APR-1974       31-MAR-1975       25.00       1975         25.00
   11              EA          01-APR-1975       31-MAR-1976       31.00       1976         31.00
   12              EA          01-APR-1976       31-MAR-1977       31.00       1977         31.00
   13              EA          01-APR-1977       31-MAR-1978       31.00       1978         31.00
   14              EA          01-APR-1978       31-MAR-1979       35.00       1979         35.00
   15              EA          01-APR-1979       31-MAR-1980       35.00       1980         35.00
   16              EA          01-APR-1980       31-MAR-1981       35.00       1981         35.00
   17              EA          01-APR-1981       31-MAR-1982       42.00       1982         42.00
   18              EA          01-APR-1982       31-MAR-1983       42.00       1983         42.00
   19              EA          01-APR-1983       31-MAR-1984       47.00       1984         47.00
   20              EA          01-APR-1984       31-MAR-1985       47.00       1985         47.00
   21              EA          01-APR-1985       31-MAR-1986       54.00       1986         54.00
   22              EA          01-APR-1986       31-MAR-1987       60.00       1987         60.00
   23              EA          01-APR-1987       31-MAR-1988       63.00       1988         63.00
   24              EA          01-APR-1988       31-MAR-1989       65.00       1989         65.00
   25              EA          01-APR-1989       31-MAR-1990       67.00       1990         67.00
   26              EA          01-APR-1990       31-MAR-1991       70.00       1991         70.00
   27              EA          01-APR-1991       31-MAR-1992       72.00       1992         72.00
   28              EA          01-APR-1992       31-MAR-1993       70.00       1993         70.00
   29              EA          01-APR-1994       31-MAR-1995       76.00       1995         76.00
   30              EA          01-APR-1995       31-MAR-1996       76.00       1996         76.00
   31              EA          01-APR-1996       31-MAR-1997       76.00       1997         76.00
   32              EA          01-APR-1997       31-MAR-1998       76.00       1998         76.00
   33              EA          01-APR-1998       31-MAR-1999       77.00       1999         77.00
   34              EA          01-APR-1999       31-MAR-2000       77.00       2000         77.00
   35              EA          01-APR-2000        31-MAR-2001      77.00       2001         77.00
   36              EA          01-APR-2001       31-MAR-2002       77.00       2002         77.00
   37              EA          01-APR-2002       31-MAR-2003       70.00       2003         70.00
   38              EA          01-APR-2003       31-MAR-2004       70.00       2004         70.00
   39              EA          01-APR-2004       31-MAR-2005       70.00       2005         70.00
   40              EA          01-APR-2005       31-MAR-2006       70.00       2006         70.00
   41              EA          01-APR-2006       31-MAR-2007       70.00       2007         70.00
   42              EA          01-APR-2007       31-MAR-2008       70.00       2008         70.00
   43              EA          01-APR-2008       31-MAR-2009       70.00       2009         70.00
   44              EA          01-APR-1993       31-MAR-1994       70.00       1994         70.00

* Bonus Rate for Policies running over 20 years.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Govt Plans to separate India Post's functions

The government is planning to separate the functions of policy making, regulations and operations of the over 150 year-old Department of Post (DoP).

Sources in Ministry of Communications and IT said Kapil Sibal has asked for setting up a body to oversee the unbundling of DoP's functions.
An independent body named Postal Development Board (PDB) will be responsible for the overall development and governance of the postal sector, they added. The PDB will also draw a road-map for unbundling of postal department functions.

"The idea is to develop Indian postal sector as a full-fledged market, bring in more service providers to enhance employment and contribution to nation's GDP," a senior ministry official said.

A recent review meeting of the entire sector, chaired by Sibal, found that in some European countries' the sector contributes between 0.6-0.9 per cent of their GDP.

However, the contribution of the estimated Rs 15,000-crore Indian Postal sector is much lower. Private players have been demanding unbundling of the department's functions for a level-playing field and growth of the sector.
At present, DoP -- which has around 5 lakh employees -- is the sole body responsible for policy making, regulations and providing postal service.
The over 100-year old Indian Post Office Act, which governs the sector, bars any individual or entity from delivering letter for commercial purpose.
The business of private courier companies is built around delivering documents, parcels and others items which do not fall under the category of 'letter'.

Sibal has asked DoP to create a framework to support small and medium postal operators and new models to encourage entrepreneurship in the sector.

The minister has also instructed DoP to constitute a Postal Advisory Board (PAB) which should have representation from government, industry players, academics and other stakeholders.

The role of PAB will be to provide inputs to PDB on policy matters. PDB will be set up under Secretary (Posts) and will include Secretaries of Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Department of Commerce and two members from Postal Services Board.


Friday, 20 July 2012


                                            ORIGINAL APPLICATION NO.931-CH-2011
                                             Chandigarh, this the 30th day of September, 2011

CORAM: Hon'ble Mrs. Shyama Dogra, Member (J). Hon'ble Mrs. Promilla Issar, Member (A).

Mrs. Aarti Rani, wife of Shri Ashwani Kumar, aged 39 years, presently working as Postal Assistant in Post Office Sector-15, Chandigarh (U.T.)-160015.



1. Union of India through Secretary, Ministry Communication & Information Technology, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110016.
2. Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chandigarh Division, Sector-17, GPO Building, Chandigarh (UT)-160017.

Present: Sh. D.R. Sharma, the counsel for the applicant.
Sh. Rohit Sharma, vice Sh. Deepak Agnihotri, the counsel for the respondents.

                                                   O R D E R (Oral)
                               By Hon'ble Mrs. Shyama Dogra, Member (J):-

1. This is a second round of litigation by the applicant for quashing of impugned order Annexure A-1 dated 30.8.2011 whereby, her request to grant her child care leave has been rejected by the respondents.

2. The claim of the applicant is that Govt. of India issued office memorandums dated 11.9.2008 and 07.9.2010. Under those memorandums, women employees having minor children are to be granted Child Care Leave (CCL for short) for a maximum of two years during their entire service period for taking care of up to two children till the age of 18 years for the purpose of their care and taking care of any of their needs like examinations, sickness etc. It is submitted by the learned counsel for the applicant that the applicant has twins, who are pursuing their studies in 10+1, Non-Medical. Since the husband of the applicant is posted at a far-away place in Amritsar, the applicant has to look after these two children, therefore, she had applied for child care leave, which has been denied by the respondents by passing a non-speaking order. Aggrieved by that order, the applicant had filed an O.A and her case was remanded to the respondents to re-examine the matter afresh and pass speaking orders. Impugned order annexure A-1 is an outcome of those directions given by the Court.

3. While challenging this impugned order, the main contention of the applicant is that since these office memorandum are for the purpose of giving some relief to eligible women employees to enable them to look after their children properly, therefore, the respondents should not have rejected her request for CCL, keeping in view the fact that earlier also she was granted this leave for three months when the applicant had to look after her children during their final examination. It is not denied by the applicant that this special child care leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right, yet the fact remains that this leave is to be granted for a particular purpose as mentioned in these instructions, therefore, if the applicant is not granted this leave the whole purpose of this scheme formulated for the benefit of women employees will be defeated. The learned counsel for the applicant submits that the applicant will not be able to take this leave after 2013 as her children will become major by that time and their exams would be over.

4. The learned counsel for the applicant has also objected to the findings given by the competent authority with regard to shortage of staff in Chandigarh Postal Division on the ground that earlier also the applicant was posted to other post offices in Sector 36 and sector 44 which falsify the plea of the respondents that there is a shortage of staff as the applicant at present also is working in sector-15 Post office. She has categorically mentioned that out of the total strength of 486 permanent posts of postal assistants, 455 postal assistants are on the rolls, hence there is no shortage of staff and in case she is granted CCL, there is still a provision for appointment of an incumbent against a leave vacancy and the respondents can make necessary arrangements for such period for which the applicant has applied for CCL.

5. The respondents have filed a written statement and have supported the impugned order on the ground that the applicant has not exhausted all the departmental remedies before coming to this Court, therefore, this O.A. is premature and liable to be dismissed as she can still file a representation to the higher authority against the impugned order Annexure A-1. The respondents have also categorically mentioned that grant of CCL cannot be asked for as a matter of right by the women employees and it can only be granted under special circumstances and she was also granted this leave during the final examination of her children and therefore, it cannot be said that the respondents are not considerate to women employees in the matter of grant of CCL. The plea of the applicant for grant of this leave has been rejected by the competent authority in view of the instructions of DOPT dated 18.11.2008 (R/2) in the interest of smooth functioning of the office and keeping in view that if CCL is granted in routine, then the office work would suffer in various departments. Since the applicant has not mentioned any valid reason for grant of this leave, therefore, there is no illegality in passing of the impugned order Annexure A-1, which is fully supported with reasons and the same is liable to be upheld.

6. The applicant has filed a rejoinder and reiterated the submissions as made in the O.A.

7. We have heard the learned counsel for the parties and carefully gone through the record.

8. The instructions issued by the respondents on 11th September, 2008 and clarifications issued later on, clearly envisage that CCL cannot be demanded as a matter of right but the fact remains that this benefit has been given to the women employees to facilitate them so that they can devote adequate time to the care of their minor children upto the age of 18 years, which may be for the purpose of their up-bringing to look after any of their specific needs like examinations, sickness etc. This leave can be granted for a maximum of 3 spells in a year.

9. Therefore, once a particular scheme is introduced by the employer for the benefit of its employees, it should be implemented in a fair and rational manner and we are of the view that the respondents need not have completely rejected the request of the applicant for CCL as she needs this leave for the purpose of devoting some extra time to her minor children. Instead of completely rejecting her request, the respondents should have considered sympathetically her prayer for grant of CCL around the examination time.

10. Therefore, in our considered opinion, the matter requires re-examination. Thus, the impugned order dated 30.8.2011 (Annexure A-1) is hereby quashed and set aside while giving directions to the respondent concerned to consider sympathetically the prayer of the applicant for grant of CCL in different spells during and around the examination period of her children. Needful be done within a period of two months from the date of receipt of a copy of this order.

11. With these directions as above, this O.A. stands disposed of with no orders as to costs.

(PROMILLA ISSAR)                                                                         (SHYAMA DOGRA)
MEMBER (A)                                                                                      MEMBER (J)

Place: Chandigarh.
Dated: 30.9.2011.

How to Repair a SQL Server 2005 Suspect database

Sometimes when you connect to your database server, you may find it in suspect mode. Your database server won’t allow you to perform any operation on that database until the database is repaired.

SQL server database can go in suspect mode for many reasons; some of them are given below:
Improper shutdown of the database server
Corruption of the database files
Unavailable device files
Unavailable database files
Database resource used by operating system
SQL Server incorrectly asserts free data page space when a row is inserted

To get the exact reason of a database going into suspect mode can be found using the following query,


Output of the above query will give the errors in the database.
To repair the database, run the following queries in Query Analyzer,

EXEC sp_resetstatus ‘yourDBname’;
DBCC checkdb(‘yourDBname’)

and you are done.

You should keep one thing in mind while using the above queries that the repair mode used here , REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS, is a one way operation i.e. once the database is repaired all the actions performed by these queries can’t be undone. There is no way to go back to the previous state of the database. So as a precautionary step you should take backup of your database before executing above mentioned queries.

sources- sapost

Monday, 16 July 2012


Dear all

On up-gradation to patch5 of SpeedNet 3.1.2 a error will come and no one of Point Of Sale booked Speed article  fetching into speednet module.

A error called "Heterogeneous query error and asking to ANSI_NULLS AND ANSI_WARNINGS updation.


Saturday, 14 July 2012


Dear ALL

Note this point-(Do not upgrade the ver 7.0 from 6.6.1 untill the modified EMO client will release by PTC Mysore).

In case of the installation without revised eMo client, Not creating any problem in working with version 7.0