Tuesday, 28 February 2012



1.       Concrete measures to contain price rise

2.       Concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs.

3.       Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive  measures for violation of labour laws.

4.       Universal social security cover for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction.

5.       Creation of o National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the recommendation, of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committees on Labour, Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State, PSUs, the Central Trade Unions also demand immediate action by the Govt. of India to en sure:-

6.       No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the some rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry/establishment.

7.       Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of Statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 10,000/-

8.       Remove the ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.Scrap PFRDA Bill/New Pension Scheme. Ensure pension for all.

9.       Scrap PFRDA Bill /New Pension Ensure Pension Bill

10.   . Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO conventions 67 and 96.


1.       Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation  corporatorisation arid privatization of Governmental functions

2.       Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements.

3.       Revise wages of CGEs with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter.

4.       Regularize the CDS, daily rated workers, contingent and casual workers by bringing about a definite scheme of regularization.

5.       Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointment (end the discrimination on compassionate appointment between the Railway workers and other CGEs)

6.       Stop the move to introduce the productivity linked wage system Performance related pay; introduce PLB to in all Departments; remove the ceiling of emoluments for bonus computation.

7.       Settle all items of anomalies (including the MACP related anomalies) raised in the Notional and Departmental Anomaly committees within a fixed time frame of two months; Set up the anomaly committees in those uniforms

8.       Merge DA with Pay for all purposes including pension as and when the DA rates croses the 50% mark.

9.       Departments where it has not been set up till date with the Standing Committee members of the National Council; convene the meeting of the Departmental Council in all Ministries/Department once in three month as envisaged in the JCM Scheme

10.   Make the right to strike a legal right and stop curtailment of T.U. rights

11.   Implement all arbitration awards

12.   Raise the interest rote for GPF, Revise the CTA and Night duty allowance and stitching and clothing rates of Vacate all Trade Union victimizations.


1.Upgrade LDCs by re-designation them as Audit Assistants and following pay sales to different    cadres -
Acctts./Audit Assistant
PB-1 with Grade Pay Rs.240O
Auditor/Steno Gr.II
P8-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200
Sr. Auditor/Steno Gr.I
PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4600
P8-2 with Grade Pay Rs.48O0

P8-3 with Gracte Pay Rs.5400
(on completion of 4 years)

Accounts Officer
P8-3 with Grade Pay Rs.6600
Sr. Accounts Officer
P8-3 with Grade Pay Rs.76OO
8.Grant initial band Pay Rs.18,750/- to all promotee AAOs

9.Grant higher Pay Scale for DEOs incompliance with Hon’ble Mumbai High Court judgment.

10.Grant promotion of all MTS to the grade of Clerk irrespective of academic qualification one time measure.

11.Implement same scale for promotee and direct recruits.

12.. Ensure promotion of clerks to the grade of Auditor after completion of five years service and Auditor to the grade of Sr. Auditor of the completion of three years service respectively.

13.Grant MACP on departmental hierarchy basis.

14. Grant one increment and Grade pay of Rs.4800 from the day of passing SAS      examination.

15.Grant three increments on passing Departmental Confirmatory Examination.

16.Step up pay of Senior Promotees who exhausted ACP in the event of junior drawing more pay and getting ACP in compliance with apex court judgment.

17.All stations where DAD offices are located ore to be grouped in 13 Zones and transfer of Gr.C AAOs should be restricted within the concerned zone except volunteers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAOs) on the policy of reservation to Persons with Disabilities

Q1.  What is disability 
Ans :Reservation to Persons with Disabilities is provided in line with the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, in posts and services under the Government of India.
            Three percent of the vacancies in case of direct recruitment to Group A,B,C and D posts shall be reserved for persons with disabilities  of which one per cent each shall be reserved for persons suffering from (i) blindness or low vision (ii) hearing impairment and (iii) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy in the posts identified for each disability;
            Three per cent of vacancies in case of promotion to Group D and Group C posts in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75% shall be reserved for persons with disabilities of which one per cent each shall be reserved for persons suffering from (i) blindness or low vision (ii) hearing impairment and (iii) locomotor disability of cerebral palsy in the posts identified for each disability.

Q.2. What is  the provision for exemption from reservation to Ministries/Departments?
Ans : if any Department / Ministry considers it necessary to exempt any establishment partly or fully from the provision of reservation for persons with disabilities, it may make a reference to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment giving full Justification for the proposal.  The grant of exemption shall be considered by an Inter-Department Committee set up by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

Q.3. What are the definitions of Disabilities?
Ans: Definitions of categories of disabilities for the purpose of this Office Memorandum are given below;

(i)                (a) Blindness: “Blindness”  refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely

(i)                Total absence of sight; or
(ii)             Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (sneelen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or
(iii)           Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse;
(b)  Low vision: “Person with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.

(ii)             Hearing Impairment: “Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies.

(iii)           a) Locomotor disability” “Locomotor disability” means disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy.

b) Cerebral  Palsy: “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of non-progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, per-natal or infant period of development.

c) All the cases of orthopaedically  handicapped persons would be covered under the category of “locomotor disability or cerebral palsy”.

Q.4. What should be the degree of disability for claiming reservation in posts/services under the Central Government?
Ans: Only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40 per cent of relevant disability.  A person who wants to avail of benefit or reservation would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a competent authority.

Q.5. Who is the competent authority to issue Disability Certificate?
Ans : The competent authority to issue Disability Certificate shall be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or a State Government.  The Central / State Government may constitute Medical Board(s) consisting of at lease three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for  assessing locomotor / cerebral / visual / hearing disability, as the case may be.

            The Medical Board shall, after the examination, give a permanent disability certificate in cases of such permanent disabilities where there are no chances of variation in the degree of disability.  The Medical Board shall chances of variation in the degree of disability.  The Medical Board shall indicate the period of validity of the certificate, in cases where three were chances of variation in the degree of disability. No refusal of disability certificate shall be made unless an opportunity is given to the applicant of  being heard.  On representation by the applicant, the Medical Board may review its decision having regard to all the facts and circumstances of the case and pass such orders in the matter as it thinks fit.
            At the time of initial appointment and promotion against a vacancy reserved for persons with disability, the appointing authority shall ensure that the candidate is eligible to get the benefit of reservation.

            An Employee who acquires disability after entering into service will be entitled to get the benefit of reservation as a person with disability form the date he produces a valid certificate of disability.

Q.6.  Which Ministry/Department identifies he jobs / posts suitable for Persons with Disabilities?
Ans : The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment have identified the jobs / posts suitable to be held by persons with disabilities and the physical requirement for all such jobs/posts vide their notification no. 16-25/99.NI.I dated 31.05.2011. The jobs/posts given in Annexure II of the said notification as amended from time to time shall be used to give effect to 3 per cent reservation to the persons with disabilities.  It may, however, be noted that:

(a)  The nomenclature used for any job / post shall mean and include nomenclature used for the other comparable jobs / posts having identical functions.
(b)  The list of jobs/posts notified by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  is not exhaustive.  The concerned Ministries / Departments shall have the discretion to identify jobs / posts in addition to the jobs/posts already identified by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.  However, no Ministry / Department / Establishment shall exclude any identified job/post from the purview of reservation at its own discretion.
(c)  If a job/post identified for persons with disabilities a shifted form one group or grade to another group or grade due to change in the pay-scale or otherwise, the job/post shall remain identified.
If a post is identified suitable only for one category of disability, reservation in the post shall be given to persons with that disability only. Reservation of 30% shall not be reduced in such cases and total reservation in the post will be given to persons suffering from the disability for which  it has been identified.  Likewise in case the post is identified suitable for two categories of disabilities, reservation shall be distributed between persons with those categories of disabilities equally, as the far as possible.  It shall, however, be ensured that reservation in different posts in the establishment is distributed in  such a way that the person of three categories of disabilities, as far as possible get equal representation.

Q.7 How can a Person with Disability be appointed against an unreserved vacancy?
Ans: In the posts which are identified suitable for persons with disabilities, a person with disability cannot be denied the right to compete for appointment against an unreserved vacancy.  Thus a person with disability can be appointed  against an unreserved vacancy, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with disability of the relevant category.

Q.8. Who is an own merit candidate?     
Ans : Persons with disabilities selected on their own merit without relaxed standards alongwith other candidates, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies.  The reserved vacancies will filled up separately from amongst the eligible candidates with disabilities which will thus comprise physically handicapped candidates who are lower in merit than the last candidate in merit list but otherwise found suitable for appointment, if necessary, by  relaxed standards.  It will apply in case of direct recruitment as well as promotion, wherever reservation for persons with disabilities is admissible.

Q.9. How is the reservation for Persons with Disabilities computed ?
Ans : Reservation for persons with disabilities in case of Group C and Group D posts shall be computed on the basis of  total number of vacancies occurring in all Group C or Group D posts, as the case may be, in the establishment, although the recruitment of the persons with disabilities would only be in the posts identified suitable for them.  The number of vacancies to be reserved for the persons with disabilities in case of direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts in an establishment shall be computed by taking into account the total number of vacancies arising in Group ‘C’ posts for being filled by direct recruitment year both in the identified and non-identified posts under the establishment.  The same procedure shall apply for Group ‘D’ posts. Similarly, all vacancies in promotion quota shall be taken into account while computing reservation in promotion in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts.  Since reservation is limited identified posts only and number of vacancies reserved in computed on the basis of total vacancies (in identified posts as well as unidentified posts), it is possible that number of persons appointed by reservation in an identified post may exceed 3 per cent.

            Reservation for persons with disabilities in Group ‘A’ posts shall be computed on the basis of vacancies occurring in direct recruitment quota in all the identified Group ‘A’ posts in the establishment.  The same method of computation applied for Group ‘B’ posts.

Q.10 . How are the reservation roster registers for Persons with Disabilities maintained?
Ans: (a) All establishments shall maintain separate 100 point reservation roster registers in the format given in Annexure II for determining /  effecting reservation for the disabled – one each for Group ‘A’ posts filled by direct recruitment, Group ‘B’ posts filled by direct recruitment, Group ‘C’ posts filled by direct recruitment, Group ‘C’ posts filled by promotion, Group ‘D’ posts filled by direct recruitment and Group ‘D’ posts filled by promotion.

b) Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points, shall be divided into three blocks, comprising the following points :

1st Block – point No.1 to point No.33
2nd Block – point No.34 to point No.66
3rd Block – point No.67 to point No.100

(c) Points 1,34 and 67 of the roster shall be earmarked reserved for persons with disabilities – one point for each of the three categories of disabilities.  The head of the establishment shall decide the categories of disabilities for which the points 1,34 and 67 will be reserved keeping in view all relevant facts.

(d)  All the vacancies in Group C posts falling in direct recruitment quota arising in the establishment shall be entered in the relevant roster register.  If the post falling at point no.1 is not identified for the disabled or the head of the establishment considers it desirable not to fill it up by a disabled person or it is not possible to fill up that post by the disabled for any other reason, one of the vacancies falling at any of the points from 2 and 33 shall be treated as reserved for the disabled and filled as such. Likewise a vacancy falling at any of the points from 34 to 66 or from 67 to 100 shall be filled by the disabled.  The purpose of keeping points 1,34 and 67 as reserved is to fill up the first available suitable vacancy from 1 to 33, first available suitable vacancy from 34 to 66 and first available suitable vacancy from 67 to 100 by persons with disabilities.

(e)  There is a possibility that none of the vacancies from 1 to 33 is suitable for any category of the disabled.  In that case two vacancies from 34 to 66 shall be filled as reserved for persons with disabilities.  If the vacancies from 34 to 66 are also not suitable for any category,  three vacancies shall be filled as reserved from the third block containing points from 67 to 100.  This means that if no vacancy can be reserved in a particular block, it shall be carried into the next block.

(f)   After all the 100 points of the roster are covered,  a fresh cycle of 100 points  shall start.

(g)  If the number of vacancies in a year a such as to cover only one block or two, discretion as to which category of the disabled should be accommodated first shall vest in the head of the establishment, who shall decide on the basis of the nature of the post, the level of representation of the specific disabled category of the disabled should be accommodated first shall vest in the head of the establishment, who shall decide on the basis of the nature of the post, the level of representation of the specific disabled category in the concerned grade/post etc.

(h)  A separate roster shall be maintained for group C posts filled by promotion and procedure as explained above shall be followed for giving. Reservation to persons with disabilities.  Likewise two separate rosters shall be maintained for Group D posts, one of the posts filled by direct recruitment and another for pots filled by promotion.

(i)    Reservation in group A and group B posts in determined on the basis of vacancies in the identified posts only.  Separate rosters for Group A posts and Group B posts in the establishment shall be maintained. In the rosters maintained for Group A and Group B posts, all vacancies of direct recruitment arising in identified posts shall be entered and reservation shall be effected the same way as explained above.

Q.11. What is meant by inter se exchange and carry forward of reservation in case of direct recruitment  quota as well as in promotion quota?

(a)   Reservation for each of the three categories of persons with disabilities shall be made separately.  But if the nature of vacancies in an establishment is such that a person of a specific category of disability cannot be  employed, the vacancies may be interchanged among the three categories with the approval of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and reservation may be determined and vacancies filled accordingly.
(b)   If any vacancy reserved for any category of disability cannot be filled due to non-availability of a suitable person with that disability or, for any other sufficient reason, such vacancy shall not be filled and shall be carried forward as a ‘backlong reserved vacancy’ to the subsequent recruitment year.

(c)   In the subsequent recruitment year the ‘backlog reserved vacancy’ shall  be treated as reserved for the category of disability for which it was kept reserved in the initial year of recruitment. However, if  a suitable person with that disability is not available, it may be filled by interchange among the three categories of disabilities.    In case no suitable person with disability is available for filling up the post in the subsequent year also, the employer may fill up the vacancy by appointment of a person other than a person with disability. If the vacancy is filled by a person with disability of the category for which it was reserved or by a person of other category of disability by inter se exchange in the subsequent recruitment year, it will be treated to have been filled by reservation.  But if the vacancy is filled by a person other than a person with disability in the subsequent recruitment year,  reservation shall be carried forward for a further period upto two recruitment years where after the reservation shall lapse. In these two subsequent years, if situation so arises, the  procedure for filling up the reserved vacancy shall be the same as followed in the first subsequent recruitment year.

In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to the minimum, any recruitment of the disabled candidates shall first be counted against the additional quota brought forward from previous years, if any, in their chronological order. If candidates are not available for all the vacancies, the  older carried forward reservation would be filled first and the relatively later carried forward  reservation would be further carried forward.

While filling up the reserved vacancies by promotion by selection, the disabled  candidates who are within the normal zone of consideration shall be considered for promotion .  Where adequate number of disabled candidates of the appropriate category  of handicap are not available within the normal zone, the zone of consideration may be extended to five times the number of vacancies and the persons with disabilities falling within the extended zone may be considered.  In the event of non availability of candidates  even in the extended zone, the reservation can be exchanged so that post can be filled by a person with other category of disability, if possible.  If it is not possible to fill up the post by reservation, the post may be filled by the person other than a person with disability and the reservation shall be carried forward for  upto three  subsequent recruitment years, where after it shall lapse.

In posts filled by promotion by non-selection, the eligible candidates with disabilities shall be considered for promotion against the reserved vacancies and in case no eligible candidate of he appropriate category of disability is available, the vacancy can be exchanged with other categories of disabilities identified for it.  If it is not possible to fill up the post by reservation even by exchange, the reservation shall be carried forward for upto three subsequent recruitment years whereafter it shall lapse.

Q.12 What is vertical reservation and horizontal reservation ?
Ans. Reservation for backward classes of citizens (SCs, STs and OBCs) is called vertical  reservation and the reservation for categories such as persons with disabilities and ex-servicemen is called horizontal reservation. Horizontal reservation cuts across vertical reservation (in what is called inter-locking reservation) and persons selected against the quota for persons with disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category  viz.  SC/ST/OBC/General candidates depending upon the category to which they belong in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs.   To illustrate if in a given year there are two vacancies reserved for the persons with  disabilities and out of two persons with  disabilities appointed, one belongs  to a Scheduled Caste and the  other to general category then the disabled SC candidate shall be adjusted against the SC point in the reservation roster and the general candidate against unreserved point in the relevant reservation roster. In case none of the vacancies falls on point reserved for the SCs, the disabled candidate belonging to SC shall be adjusted in future against the next available vacancy reserved for SCs.

            Since the persons with disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category viz.  SC/ST/OBC/ General in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs, the application form for the post should require the candidates applying under the quota reserved for persons with disabilities to indicate whether they belong to SC/ST/OBC or General category

Q.13 what are the relaxations/concessions available to persons with Disabilities?


(j)    Upper age limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable (a) by ten years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts; (b)  by 5 years (10 years for SCs/STs and 8 years for OBCSs) in case of direct recruitment to Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ where recruitment is made otherwise than through open competitive examination; and (c) by 10 years (15 years for OBCs) in case of direct recruitment to Group A and Group B posts through open competitive examination.

(ii)        Relaxation in age limit shall be applicable irrespective of the fact whether the
post is reserved or not, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with

RELAXABLE OF STANDARD OF SUITABILITY: If sufficient number of persons with disabilities are not available  on the basis of the general standard may be selected on relaxed standard to fill up the remaining vacancies reserved for them provided they are not found unfit for such post or posts. Thus, to the extent the number of vacancies reserved for persons with disabilities cannot be filled on the basis of general standards, candidates belonging to this category may be taken by relaxing the standards to make up the deficiency in the   reserved quota subject to the fitness of these candidates for appointment to the post/posts in question.

EXEMPTION FORM PAYMENT OF EXAMINATION FEE AND APPLICATION FEE:   Persons with disabilities shall be exempt from payment of applications fee and examination fee, prescribed in respect of competitive examinations held by the Staff Selection Commission, he Union Public Service Commission etc.  for recruitment to various posts.  This exemption shall be available only to such persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of standards of medical fitness prescribed for that post (including any concession specifically extended to the disabled persons) and who enclose with the application form, necessary certificate from a competent authority in support of their claim of disability.

MEDICAL EXAMINATION : As per Rule 10 of the Fundamental Rules,  every new entrant to Government service on initial appointment is required to produce a medical certificate of fitness issued  by a competent authority. In case of medical certificate of fitness issued by a competent authority. In case medical examination of a person with disability for appointment to a post identified as suitable to be held by a person suffering from a particular kind of disability, the concerned Medical Officer or Board shall be informed before hand  that the post is identified suitable to be held by persons with disability of relevant category and the candidates shall then be examined medically keeping this fact in view.
Q.14 What are the points which the Ministries / Departments should keep in mind while sending the requisition notice to the Employment Exchange, the SSC, the UPSC etc. While advertising the vacancies?

Ans: In order to ensure that person with disabilities get a fair opportunity in consideration for appointment to an identified post, the following points shall be kept in view while sending the requisition notice to the Employment Exchange, the SSC, the UPSC etc. and while advertising the vacancies :

(i)                Number of vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs/Ex-Servicemen/ persons suffering from Blindness or Low Vision / Persons suffering from Hearing Impairment/Persons suffering from Locomotor Disability or Cerebral palsy should be indicated clearly

(ii)             In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable to be held by persons with disability, it shall be indicated that the post is identified for persons with disabilities suffering form blindness or low  vision; hearing impairment; and / or locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, as the case may be, and that the persons with disabilities belonging to the category/ categories for which the post is identified shall be allowed to apply even if no vacancies are reserved for them.  Such  candidates will be considered for selection for appointment to the post by general standards of merit.

(iii)           In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable for persons with disabilities, irrespective of whether any vacancies are reserved or

(iv)           Not, the categories of disabilities viz blindess or low vision, hearing impairment and locomotor suitable along with functional   classification and physical requirements for performing the duties attached to the post shall be indicated clearly.

(v)              It shall also be indicated that persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation.

In order to ensure proper implementation of the provisions of reservation of persons with disabilities, the requisitioning authority while sending the requisition to the UPSC, SSC etc.  for filling up of posts shall furnish the following certificate to the recruiting agency:-

      “it is certificated that the requirements of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal  Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995 and the policy relating to reservation of persons with disabilities has been taken care of while sending this requisition.  The vacancies reported in this requisition fall at points no …………… of cycle no ……………. Of 100 point reservation roster out of which ……………. Number of vacancies are reserved for persons with disabilities”

Q.15. What is the procedure to monitor the representation of persons with disabilities in posts and services under the Central Government?

Ans. (i) Soon after the first of January of every year, each appointing authority shall send to its administrative Ministry/Department:

(a)  PWD Report – I in the prescribed proforma (Annexure III) showing the total number of employees, total number of employees in he posts which have been identified suitable for persons with disabilities and number of employees suffering from blindness or low vision, hearing  impairment, and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy as on the 1st January of the year, and

(b)  PWD Report –II in the prescribed proforma (Annexure IV) showing the numbr of vacancies reserved for persons suffering from blindness or low vision, hearing impairment, and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy and number of such persons actually appointed during the preceding calendar year.

ii) The administrative Ministry/Department shall scrutinize the information received from all appointing authorities under it and send consolidated PWD Report-I and PWD Report-II in prescribed proforma in respect of the Ministry/Department including information in respect of all attached and subordinate offices under its control to the Department of Personnel and Training by the 31st March of each year.

(iii) The following points may be kept in view sending the reports to the Department of Personnel & Training:-

a)     The reports sent to the DOPT should not include information in respect of public sector undertakings, statutory, semi-Government and autonomous bodies.  Statutory, semi-Government  and autonomous bodies.  Statutory, semi-Government and autonomous bodies shall furnish consolidated information in the prescribed proforma to the administrative Minisry/Department concerned who may scrutinize, monitor and maintain it at their own level.  The Department of public Enterprises may collect similar information in respect of all public sector undertakings.
b)     The attached/subordinate offices shall send information to their administrative Ministry/Department only and shall not send it direct to this Department.
c)     The figures in respect of persons with disabilities shall include persons appointed by reservation as well as appointed otherwise.
d)     The PWD Report I relates to persons and not to posts.  Therefore, while furnishing this report the posts vacant etc.  Should not be taken into account. In this report persons on deputation should be included in the establishment of the borrowing included in the establishment of the borrowing Ministry/Department/Office and not in the parent establishment Persons permanent in one grade but officiating or holding temporary appointment in the higher grade shall be included in the figures relating to the Class of service to which the higher grade belongs.

Liaison Officers appointed to look after reservation mattes for SCs/STs shall also work as Liaison Officers for reservation matters relating to persons with disabilities and shall ensure compliance of these instructions on reservation for Persons with Disabilities.

Air Travel on LTC & Tours – Guidelines

No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi dated the 16th September, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Guidelines on Air Travel on Tours/LTC.
This Department is receiving repeated references seeking clarifications with regard to purchase of Air tickets through authorized agents and relaxation for travel by Airlines other than Indian Airlines. The following guidelines may be noted for compliance:
1. On Official Tours:
(i) For travel by Airlines other than Air India because of operational or other reasons or on account of non-availability of Air India flights. individual cases for relaxation to be referred to M/o Civil Aviation, as stated in this Ministry’s OM No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.07.09.
(ii) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours.
2. LTC:
(i) Travel by Air India only.
(ii) In Economy class only, irrespective of entitlement.
(iii) LTC-80 ticket of Air India only to be purchased.
(iv) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours and IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoP&T OM No. 31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dt. 02.12.09).
3. LTC for J&K:
(i) Relaxation to travel by Private Airlines to visit J&K while availing LTC is available to all the categories of Govt. employees, including those entitled to travel by Air [DoP&T OMs No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A-IV) dated 18.06.10 and 05.08.10 refer].
(ii) For purchase of Air tickets, however, the procedure as given under para 2 (iv) above should be followed.
4. All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions.
(Karan Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Policy to be followed in case where persons refuse promotion to a higher grade–Clarification

Government of India/Bharat Sarkar 
Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya 
Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms
New Delhi, the 1st Oct, 1981.
Subject : Policy to be followed in case where persons refuse promotion to a higher grade.
The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of the Ministries/Departments to the provisions contained in this Department's O.M. No.1/3/69-Estt.(D) dt. 22.11.75 on the above subject and to say that this issue was discussed in the meeting of the National Council. It was observed that in many cases persons refuse promotion purely to gain monetary benefit specially in cases where the increment of the officer is due in the lower grade shortly. This it was felt causes considerable hardship to many Govt. employees due to the chain reaction fo postponing of the promotion of officers down the line and awaiting promotion. In order to discourage such refusal of promotion, the Government issued orders laying down that those officers who refuse promotion should not be issued any fresh offer of promotion for a period of six months from the date of such refusal.
2. Govt. have recently taken a decision to further liberalise the formula of fixation of pay, in order to avoid anomalies in the matter of fixation of pay. These orders are being separately issued.
3. In view of the fact that Government have decided to further liberalise the procedure of fixation pay of officers, and also to reduce cases of refusal of promotion to the barest minimum which adversely affects of the promotion prospects of officers working down the line, it has now been decided to modify the provisions contained in this Deptt's O.M. No.1/3/69-Estt.(D) dated 22.11.75 mentioned in para 1 above, to the effect that from the date of issue of this order, refusal of promotion by an officer should entail that no fresh offer of promotion would be issued to him for a period of one year, instead of six months as provided for in the earlier instructions.
4. It is further clarified that in cases where the reasons adduced by the officer for this refusal of promotion are not acceptable to the appointing authority, then he should enforce the promotion on the officer and in case the  officer still refuses to be promoted, then even disciplinary action can be taken against him for refusing to obey his orders.
5. These instructions take effect from the date of issue of this letter.
6. In so far as the officers working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Deptt., these orders are being issued with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
7. Ministry of Finance etc. are therefore, requested to bring the above decisions to the notice of all officers working under them for their information and compliance.


Friday, 24 February 2012

Advance Amount for Government Employees

Government Employees get advance amount for the following purposes:
There are two types of allowances available..

1. Interest Free Advance

2. Interest based Advances.

1. Interest-free Advances:

1. Advance of Pay on transfer.
2. Leave Salary Advance.
3. Advance of LTC.
4. Advance of T.A. on tour / transfer / retirement.
5. Advance of T.A. to the family of a deceased Government servant.
6. Advance for purchase of bicycle / warm clothing.
7. Advance in connection with medical treatment.
8. Festival Advance.
9. Advance in the event of natural calamity like flood, drought, cyclone, etc.
10. Advance on first appointment / deputation and leave ex-India.
11. Advance in connection with legal proceedings.
12. Advance for training in Hindi through Correspondence Course.
2. Interest-based Advances:
1. Advance for purchase of Personal Computer.
2. Advance to Postal and RMS Inspectors for purchase of typewriter.
3. Advance for purchase of conveyance, i.e., motor car, motor cycle/ moped, scooter.
4. Advance for construction / purchase of house / flat / enlargement of living accommodation.
Note : Rates of interest are prescribed for each financial year for Items 1 to 3 and periodically for Item 4.